Changes in version 0.4.4 * fixed Rcpp dependency problems * fixed NA bug with reference forecasts Changes in version 0.4.3 * improved missing value handling * fixed bug in "EnsRocss" Changes in version 0.4.2 * Fixed bug with missing values and na.rm=T in translating to categorical forecasts in `convert2prob` * Fixed issue with limited amount of unique values in `convert2prob` Changes in version 0.4.1 * Fixed CRAN NOTE on registration of native routines * Fixed bug in setting up reference forecasts with missing observations * Improved error handling with missing values in forecast * Improve performance of `convert2prob` with reduced baseline * Added missing value support for `count2prob` * Fixed unit test causing episodic errors Changes in version 0.4.0 * Adopted to new version of SpecsVerification (0.5.0) * Fully implemented out-of-sample computation of percentile thresholds * Changed to new implementation of AUC in 'SpecsVerification' with standard errors Changes in version 0.3.0 (2016-09-28) * added support for out-of-sample reference forecasts (user-defined or by keyword for a few standard approaches, issues #1 and #2) * added support for difference in scores functions (related to skill scores) * removed onload function to check package version. Updating is now dealt with by update.packages as for other CRAN packages. * removed non-sensical mean error skill score `EnsMess`. * deprecated ill-defined ROC area skill score. In future versions, only the ROC area score will be implemented `EnsRoca`. * Added reliability categorization following Weisheimer et al. (2014). * fixed bug in `convert2prob` for climatological forecasts (reduced set of values to compute percentile boundaries for consistency). * fix for `FairRpss` against climatological reference forecast with category boundaries defined on distribution of verifying observations. Changes in version 0.2.0 (2016-01-25) * Added ignorance score for probability forecasts `EnsIgn` and skill score `EnsIgnss` * replaced `EnsRoca` and `rank.ensembles` in `Ens2AFC` with C++ equivalents that are slightly faster * added documentation for `veriApply` (issue #4) * added multi-model option for relative thresholds to `convert2prob` * added support for named vector output in functions such as `Corr` and `CorrDiff` from `SpecsVerification` * added bug fix from Henrik Bengtsson (pull request #3) * updated documentation also to reflect that package is now available on CRAN * minor bugfixes Changes in version 0.1.8 (2015-10-25) * prepared package for release on CRAN Changes in version * added support for ensembles of size 1 Changes in version * fixed documentation * added new function to convert counts (from `convert2prob`) to probabilities (`count2prob`) ## easyVerificaiton * additional arguments for parallel processing courtesy of Matteo De Felice Changes in version * added parallelization of `veriApply` using the `parallel` package * parallelization is based on FORK nodes, and thus won't work under Windows * under Windows and if `parallel` is not available, the original, unparallelized fallback is used * parallelization will use up to 16 nodes, but will leave one node free for other tasks Changes in version * added `toymodel` to produce forecast-observation pairs * added `toyarray` to produce multiple independent forecast-observation pairs, for example at different spatial locations Changes in version * Fixed bug in `veriApply` for reformatting output of scores (not affecting skill scores) Changes in version * Added ECOMS-UDG / easyVerification vignette Changes in version * updated documentation for elementary skill functions Changes in version 0.1.5 * probability and absolute thresholds for conversion of continuous forecasts to category forecasts can now be supplied to be forecast specific (e.g. different thresholds for different lead times and spatial locations) * bug fix in `veriApply` with minimal forecast, observation examples Changes in version * Fixed bug in missing value treatment with `convert2prob`. This will not affect functions called using `veriApply` as of yet as scores in `veriApply` are only computed for complete forecast and observation pairs Changes in version * Bug fix (scaling) of standard error provided in `EnsRocss` Changes in version 0.1.4 * Support for dressed metrics from `SpecsVerification`. Only the standard dressing method ("silverman") is supported so far. * Significance for `EnsRocss` * `FairSprErr` Fair spread error ratio * `EnsRocss` allow for arbitrary reference forecasts in ROC area skill score (no significance for reference forecasts with ROC area != 0.5) Changes in version 0.1.3 * `Ens2AFC` Added the generalized discrimination score for ensembles. Changes in version 0.1.2 * Moved repository to new location on * Added vignette documenting the basic functionality of the package. * Bugfix for ensembles of size 1. * Removed redundant checks on ensemble size.