--- title: "Object-Oriented Programming" author: "Martin Westgate & Dax Kellie" date: '2024-11-19' output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Object-Oriented Programming} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- The default method for building queries in `galah` is to first use `galah_call()` to create a query object called a "`data_request`". This object class is specific to `galah`. ``` r galah_call() |> filter(genus == "Crinia") |> class() ``` ``` ## [1] "data_request" ``` When a piped object is of class `data_request`, galah can trigger functions to use specific methods for this object class, even if a function name is used by another package. For example, users can use `filter()` and `group_by()` functions from [dplyr](https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/index.html) instead of `galah_filter()` and `galah_group_by()` to construct a query. Consequently, the following queries are synonymous: ``` r galah_call() |> galah_filter(genus == "Crinia", year == 2020) |> galah_group_by(species) |> atlas_counts() ``` ``` r galah_call() |> filter(genus == "Crinia", year == 2020) |> group_by(species) |> atlas_counts() ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 16 × 2 ## species count ## ## 1 Crinia signifera 42621 ## 2 Crinia parinsignifera 8664 ## 3 Crinia glauerti 3111 ## 4 Crinia georgiana 1509 ## 5 Crinia remota 718 ## 6 Crinia sloanei 682 ## 7 Crinia insignifera 530 ## 8 Crinia tinnula 291 ## 9 Crinia deserticola 253 ## 10 Crinia pseudinsignifera 223 ## 11 Crinia tasmaniensis 181 ## 12 Crinia bilingua 74 ## 13 Crinia subinsignifera 46 ## 14 Crinia riparia 10 ## 15 Crinia flindersensis 3 ## 16 Crinia nimba 1 ``` Thanks to object-oriented programming, galah "masks" `filter()` and `group_by()` functions to use methods defined for `data_request` objects instead. The full list of masked functions is: - `arrange()` (`{dplyr}`) - `count()` (`{dplyr}`) - `identify()` (`{graphics}`) as a synonym for `galah_identify()` - `select()` (`{dplyr}`) as a synonym for `galah_select()` - `group_by()` (`{dplyr}`) as a synonym for `galah_group_by()` - `slice_head()` (`{dplyr}`) as a synonym for the `limit` argument in `atlas_counts()` - `st_crop()` (`{sf}`) as a synonym for `galah_polygon()` Note that these functions are all evaluated lazily; they amend the underlying object, but do not amend the nature of the data until the call is evaluated. To actually build and run the query, we'll need to use one or more of a different set of dplyr verbs: `collapse()`, `compute()` and `collect()`. ## Advanced query building The usual way to begin a query to request data in galah is using `galah_call()`. However, this function now calls one of three types of `request_` functions. If you prefer, you can begin your pipe with one of these dedicated `request_` functions (rather than `galah_call()`) depending on the type of data you want to collect. For example, if you want to download occurrences, use `request_data()`: ``` r x <- request_data("occurrences") |> # note that "occurrences" is the default `type` filter(species == "Crinia tinnula", year == 2010) |> collect() ``` You'll notice that this query differs slightly from the query structure used in earlier versions of `galah`. The desired data type, `"occurrences"`, is specified at the beginning of the query within `request_data()` rather than at the end using `atlas_occurrences()`. Specifying the data type at the start allows users to make use of advanced query building using three newly implemented stages of query building: `collapse()`, `compute()` and `collect()`. These stages mirror existing [functions in dplyr for querying databases](https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/reference/compute.html), and act in the following way: - `collapse()` converts the object to a `query`. This allows users to inspect their API calls before they are sent. Depending on the request, this function may also call 'supplementary' APIs to collect required information, such as Taxon Concept Identifiers or field names. - `compute()` is intended to send the query in question to the requested API for processing. This is particularly important for occurrences, where it can be useful to submit a query and retrieve it at a later time. If the `compute()` stage is not required, however, `compute()` simply converts the `query` to a new class (`computed_query`). - `collect()` retrieves the requested data into your workspace, returning a `tibble`. We can use these in sequence, or just leap ahead to the stage we want: ``` r x <- request_data() |> filter(genus == "Crinia", year == 2020) |> group_by(species) |> arrange(species) |> count() collapse(x) ``` ``` ## Object of class query with type data/occurrences-count-groupby ## url: https://api.ala.org.au/occurrences/occurrences/facets?fq=%28genus%3A%2... ## arrange: species (ascending) ``` ``` r compute(x) ``` ``` ## Object of class computed_query with type data/occurrences-count-groupby ## url: https://api.ala.org.au/occurrences/occurrences/facets?fq=%28genus%3A%2... ## arrange: species (ascending) ``` ``` r collect(x) |> head() ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 6 × 2 ## species count ## ## 1 Crinia bilingua 74 ## 2 Crinia deserticola 253 ## 3 Crinia flindersensis 3 ## 4 Crinia georgiana 1509 ## 5 Crinia glauerti 3111 ## 6 Crinia insignifera 530 ``` The benefit of using `collapse()`, `compute()` and `collect()` is that queries are more modular. This is particularly useful for large data requests in galah. Users can send their query using `compute()`, and download data once the query has finished — downloading with `collect()` later — rather than waiting for the request to finish within R. ``` r # Create and send query to be calculated server-side request <- request_data() |> identify("perameles") |> filter(year > 1900) |> compute() # Download data request |> collect() ``` Additionally, functions that are more modular are generally easier to interrogate and debug. Previously some functions did several different things, making it difficult to know which APIs were being called, when, and for what purpose. Partitioning queries into three distinct stages is much more transparent, and allows users to check their query construction prior to sending a request. For example, the query above is constructed with the following information, returned by `collapse()`. ``` r request_data() |> identify("perameles") |> filter(year > 1900) |> collapse() ``` ``` ## Object of class query with type data/occurrences ## url: https://api.ala.org.au/occurrences/occurrences/offline/download?fq=%28... ``` The `collapse()` stage includes an additional argument (`.expand`) that, when set to `TRUE`, shows all the APIs called to construct the user-requested query. This is especially useful for debugging. ## Object classes Under the hood, the different query-building verbs each amend the supplied object to a new class: - `collapse()` returns class `query`, which is a list containing a `type` slot and one or more `url`s - `compute()` returns a single object of class `computed_query` - `collect()` returns a `tibble` These can be called directly, or via the `method` and `type` arguments of `galah_call()`, which specify which dedicated `request_` function and data type to return. To demonstrate what we mean, take the following calls, which despite using different syntax, all return the number of records available for the year 2020: ``` r # new syntax request_data() |> filter(year == 2020) |> count() |> collect() # similar, but using `galah_call()` galah_call(method = "data", type = "occurrences-count") |> filter(year == 2020) |> collect() # original syntax galah_call() |> galah_filter(year == 2020) |> atlas_counts() ``` Another example is to list available `fields` in the selected atlas: ``` r request_metadata(type = "fields") |> collect() galah_call(method = "metadata", type = "fields") |> collect() show_all(fields) ``` Or to show values for states and territories: ``` r request_metadata() |> filter(field == "cl22") |> unnest() |> collect() galah_call(method = "metadata", type = "fields-unnest") |> galah_filter(id == "cl22") |> collect() search_all(fields, "cl22") |> show_values() ``` While `request_metadata()` is more modular than `show_all()`, there is little benefit to using it for most applications. However, in some cases, larger databases like GBIF return huge `data.frame`s of metadata when called via `show_all()`. Using `request_metdata()` allows users to specify a `slice_head()` line within their pipe to get around this issue. ## Which syntax should I prefer? Despite these benefits, we have no plans to _require_ users to call masked functions. Functions prefixed with `galah_` or `atlas_` are not going away. Indeed, while there is perfect redundancy between old and new syntax in some cases, in others they serve different purposes. In `atlas_media()` for example, several calls are made and joined in a way that reduces the number of steps required by the user. Under the hood, however, all `atlas_` functions are now entirely built using the above syntax.