<%@meta language="R-vignette" content="-------------------------------- DIRECTIVES FOR R: %\VignetteIndexEntry{matrixStats: Summary of functions} %\VignetteAuthor{Henrik Bengtsson} %\VignetteKeyword{matrix} %\VignetteKeyword{vector} %\VignetteKeyword{apply} %\VignetteKeyword{rows} %\VignetteKeyword{columns} %\VignetteKeyword{memory} %\VignetteKeyword{speed} %\VignetteEngine{R.rsp::rsp} %\VignetteTangle{FALSE} --------------------------------------------------------------------"%> <% pkgName <- "matrixStats" library(pkgName, character.only=TRUE) ns <- getNamespace(pkgName) env <- as.environment(sprintf("package:%s", pkgName)) R.utils::use("R.utils") kable <- function(df, ...) { fcns <- as.character(df$Functions) fcns <- strsplit(fcns, split=",") fcns <- sapply(fcns, FUN=function(names) { names <- trim(names) ok <- sapply(names, FUN=exists, envir=ns, mode="function") names[ok] <- sprintf("%s()", names[ok]) names[!ok] <- sprintf("~~%s()~~", names[!ok]) names <- paste(names, collapse=", ") }) df$Functions <- fcns df$Example <- sprintf("`%s`", df$Example) print(knitr::kable(df, ..., format="markdown")) } # Find all functions all <- ls(envir=env) keep <- sapply(all, FUN=function(name) { is.function(get(name, envir=env)) }) all <- all[keep] keep <- !grepl("[.]([^.]*)$", all) all <- all[keep] # Hidden functions skip <- c("rowAvgsPerColSet", "colAvgsPerRowSet") skip <- c(skip, "allocArray", "allocMatrix", "allocVector") all <- setdiff(all, skip) # Column and row functions crfcns <- grep("^(col|row)", all, value=TRUE) # Vector functions vfcns <- setdiff(all, crfcns) %> # <%@meta name="title"%> <% pkg <- R.oo::Package(pkgName) %> <%@meta name="author"%> on <%=format(as.Date(pkg$date), format="%B %d, %Y")%> <% fcns <- crfcns base <- gsub("^(col|row)", "", fcns) groups <- tapply(fcns, base, FUN=list) stopifnot(all(sapply(groups, FUN=length) == 2L)) groups <- matrix(unlist(groups, use.names=FALSE), nrow=2L) %> <%--- ## Functions that apply to column and rows of matrices ``` <% print(fcns) %> ``` ---%> <% fcns <- vfcns %> <%--- ## Functions that apply to vectors ``` <% print(fcns) %> ``` ---%> ## Location and scale estimators <% tbl <- NULL row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Weighted sample mean", "Functions" = "weightedMean, colWeightedMeans, rowWeightedMeans", "Example" = "weightedMean(x, w); rowWeightedMeans(x, w)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Mean", "Functions" = "mean2, colMeans2, rowMeans2", "Example" = "mean2(x); rowMeans2(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Median", "Functions" = "median, colMedians, rowMedians", "Example" = "median(x); rowMedians(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Weighted median", "Functions" = "weightedMedian, colWeightedMedians, rowWeightedMedians", "Example" = "weightedMedian(x, w); rowWeightedMedians(x, w)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Sample variance", "Functions" = "var, colVars, rowVars", "Example" = "var(x); rowVars(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Weighted sample variance", "Functions" = "weightedVar, colWeightedVars, rowWeightedVars", "Example" = "weightedVar(x, w), rowWeightedVars(x, w)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Sample variance by n-order differences", "Functions" = "varDiff, colVarDiffs, rowVarDiffs", "Example" = "varDiff(x); rowVarDiffs(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Sample standard deviation", "Functions" = "sd, colSds, rowSds", "Example" = "sd(x); rowSds(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Weighted sample deviation", "Functions" = "weightedSd, colWeightedSds, rowWeightedSds", "Example" = "weightedSd(x, w), rowWeightedSds(x, w)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Sample standard deviation by n-order differences", "Functions" = "sdDiff, colSdDiffs, rowSdDiffs", "Example" = "sdDiff(x); rowSdDiffs(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Median absolute deviation (MAD)", "Functions" = "mad, colMads, rowMads", "Example" = "mad(x); rowMads(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Weighted median absolute deviation (MAD)", "Functions" = "weightedMad, colWeightedMads, rowWeightedMads", "Example" = "weightedMad(x, w), rowWeightedMads(x, w)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Median absolute deviation (MAD) by n-order differences", "Functions" = "madDiff, colMadDiffs, rowMadDiffs", "Example" = "madDiff(x); rowMadDiffs()" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Quantile", "Functions" = "quantile, colQuantiles, rowQuantiles", "Example" = "quantile(x, probs); rowQuantiles(x, probs)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Interquartile range (IQR)", "Functions" = "iqr, colIQRs, rowIQRs", "Example" = "iqr(x); rowIQRs(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Interquartile range (IQR) by n-order differences", "Functions" = "iqrDiff, colIQRDiffs, rowIQRDiffs", "Example" = "iqrDiff(x); rowIQRDiffs(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Range", "Functions" = "range, colRanges, rowRanges", "Example" = "range(x); rowRanges(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Minimum", "Functions" = "min, colMins, rowMins", "Example" = "min(x); rowMins(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Maximum", "Functions" = "max, colMaxs, rowMaxs", "Example" = "max(x); rowMaxs(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) %> <% kable(tbl) %> ## Testing for and counting values <% tbl <- NULL row <- data.frame( "Operator" = "Are there any missing values?", "Functions" = "anyMissing, colAnyMissings, rowAnyMissings", "Example" = "anyMissing(x); rowAnyMissings(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Operator" = "Does TRUE exists?", "Functions" = "any, colAnys, rowAnys", "Example" = "any(x); rowAnys(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Operator" = "Are all values TRUE?", "Functions" = "all, colAlls, rowAlls", "Example" = "all(x); rowAlls(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Operator" = "Does value exists?", "Functions" = "anyValue, colAnys, rowAnys", "Example" = "anyValue(x, value); rowAnys(x, value)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Operator" = "Do all elements have a given value?", "Functions" = "allValue, colAlls, rowAlls", "Example" = "allValue(x, value); rowAlls(x, value)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Operator" = "Number of occurrences of a value?", "Functions" = "count, colCounts, rowCounts", "Example" = "count(x, value); rowCounts(x, value)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) %> <% kable(tbl) %> ## Cumulative functions <% tbl <- NULL row <- data.frame( "Operator" = "Cumulative sum", "Functions" = "cumsum, colCumsums, rowCumsums", "Example" = "cumsum(x); rowCumsums(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Operator" = "Cumulative product", "Functions" = "cumprod, colCumprods, rowCumprods", "Example" = "cumprod(x); rowCumprods(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Operator" = "Cumulative minimum", "Functions" = "cummin, colCummins, rowCummins", "Example" = "cummin(x); rowCummins(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Operator" = "Cumulative maximum", "Functions" = "cummax, colCummaxs, rowCummaxs", "Example" = "cummax(x); rowCummaxs(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) %> <% kable(tbl) %> ## Binning <% tbl <- NULL row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Counts in disjoint bins", "Functions" = "binCounts", "Example" = "binCounts(x, bx)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Estimator" = "Sample means (and counts) in disjoint bins", "Functions" = "binMeans", "Example" = "binMeans(y, x, bx)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) %> <% kable(tbl) %> ## Miscellaneous <% tbl <- NULL row <- data.frame( "Operation" = "Sum", "Functions" = "sum2, colSums2, rowSums2", "Example" = "sum2(x); rowSums2(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) row <- data.frame( "Operation" = "Lagged differences", "Functions" = c("diff2, colDiffs, rowDiffs"), "Example" = "diff2(x), rowDiffs(x)" ) tbl <- rbind(tbl, row) %> <% kable(tbl) %> ------------------------------------------------------------- <%=pkgName%> v<%=getVersion(pkg)%>. Release: [CRAN](https://cran.r-project.org/package=<%=pkgName%>), Development: [GitHub](<%=getUrl(pkg)%>).