params <- list(EVAL = FALSE) ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # # # From CRAN would be # install.packages("ohun") # # #load package # library(ohun) # ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # # # install package # remotes::install_github("maRce10/ohun") # # #load packages # library(ohun) # library(tuneR) # library(warbleR) ## ----global options, echo = FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE------------------------- #load packages library(ohun) library(tuneR) library(warbleR) load("../data/lbh2.rda") load("../data/lbh1.rda") load("../data/lbh_reference.rda") # for spectrograms par(mar = c(5, 4, 2, 2) + 0.1) stopifnot(require(knitr)) options(width = 90) opts_chunk$set( comment = NA, # eval = if (isTRUE(exists("params"))) params$EVAL else FALSE, dev = "jpeg", dpi = 70, fig.width=10, out.width = "100%", fig.align = "center" ) ## ----eval = TRUE------------------------------------------------------------------------ # load example data data("lbh1", "lbh2", "lbh_reference") # save sound files tuneR::writeWave(lbh1, file.path(tempdir(), "lbh1.wav")) tuneR::writeWave(lbh2, file.path(tempdir(), "lbh2.wav")) # select a subset of the data lbh1_reference <- lbh_reference[lbh_reference$sound.files == "lbh1.wav",] # print data lbh1_reference ## ----eval = TRUE, fig.asp=0.5----------------------------------------------------------- # print spectrogram label_spectro(wave = lbh1, reference = lbh1_reference, hop.size = 10, ovlp = 50, flim = c(1, 10), envelope = TRUE) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # install this package first if not installed # install.packages("Sim.DiffProc") #Creating vector for duration durs <- rep(c(0.3, 1), 5) #Creating simulated song set.seed(12) simulated_1 <- warbleR::simulate_songs( n = 10, durs = durs, freqs = 5, sig2 = 0.01, gaps = 0.5, harms = 1, bgn = 0.1, path = tempdir(), = "simulated_1", selec.table = TRUE, shape = "cos", fin = 0.3, fout = 0.35, samp.rate = 18 )$wave ## ----fig.asp=0.5------------------------------------------------------------------------ # plot spectrogram and envelope label_spectro(wave = simulated_1, env = TRUE, fastdisp = TRUE) ## ----fig.asp=0.5------------------------------------------------------------------------ # run detection detection <- energy_detector( files = "simulated_1.wav", bp = c(2, 8), threshold = 50, smooth = 150, path = tempdir() ) # plot spectrogram and envelope label_spectro( wave = simulated_1, envelope = TRUE, detection = detection, threshold = 50 ) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- detection ## ----eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, fig.asp=0.4---------------------------------------------- # run detection detection <- energy_detector( files = "simulated_1.wav", bp = c(1, 8), threshold = 50, min.duration = 500, smooth = 150, path = tempdir() ) # plot spectrogram label_spectro(wave = simulated_1, detection = detection) ## ----eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, fig.asp=0.4---------------------------------------------- # run detection detection <- energy_detector(files = "simulated_1.wav", bp = c(1, 8), threshold = 50, smooth = 150, max.duration = 500, path = tempdir()) # plot spectrogram label_spectro(wave = simulated_1, detection = detection) ## ----fig.asp=0.4, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE---------------------------------------------- # Detecting detection <- energy_detector(files = "simulated_1.wav", bp = c(5, 8), threshold = 50, smooth = 150, path = tempdir()) # plot spectrogram label_spectro(wave = simulated_1, detection = detection) ## ----fig.asp=0.4, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE---------------------------------------------- # Detect detection <- energy_detector( files = "simulated_1.wav", bp = c(0, 6), threshold = 50, min.duration = 1, smooth = 150, path = tempdir() ) # plot spectrogram label_spectro(wave = simulated_1, detection = detection) ## ----eval = TRUE, fig.asp=0.5----------------------------------------------------------- #Creating simulated song set.seed(12) #Creating vector for duration durs <- rep(c(0.3, 1), 5) sim_2 <- simulate_songs( n = 10, durs = durs, freqs = 5, sig2 = 0.01, gaps = 0.5, harms = 1, bgn = 0.1, path = tempdir(), = "simulated_2", selec.table = TRUE, shape = "cos", fin = 0.3, fout = 0.35, samp.rate = 18, am.amps = c(1, 2, 3, 2, 0.1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1) ) # extract wave object and selection table simulated_2 <- sim_2$wave sim2_sel_table <- sim_2$selec.table # plot spectrogram label_spectro(wave = simulated_2, envelope = TRUE) ## ----eval = TRUE, fig.asp=0.5----------------------------------------------------------- # detect sounds detection <- energy_detector(files = "simulated_2.wav", threshold = 50, path = tempdir()) # plot spectrogram label_spectro(wave = simulated_2, envelope = TRUE, threshold = 50, detection = detection) ## ----eval = TRUE, fig.asp=0.5----------------------------------------------------------- # detect sounds detection <- energy_detector( files = "simulated_2.wav", threshold = 50, min.duration = 1, path = tempdir(), hold.time = 200 ) # plot spectrogram label_spectro( wave = simulated_2, envelope = TRUE, threshold = 50, detection = detection ) ## ----eval = TRUE, fig.asp=0.5----------------------------------------------------------- # detect sounds detection <- energy_detector( files = "simulated_2.wav", threshold = 50, min.duration = 1, path = tempdir(), smooth = 350 ) # plot spectrogram label_spectro( wave = simulated_2, envelope = TRUE, threshold = 50, detection = detection, smooth = 350 ) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- optim_detection <- optimize_energy_detector( reference = sim2_sel_table, files = "simulated_2.wav", threshold = 50, min.duration = 1, path = tempdir(), smooth = c(100, 250, 350) ) optim_detection[, c(1, 2:5, 7:12, 17:18)] ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- summarize_reference(reference = lbh_reference, path = tempdir()) ## ----session info, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()