ChangeLog for package tm.plugin.koRpus changes in version 0.4-2 (2021-05-17) fixed: - updated test standards after changes to koRpus' internal calculations of numer of lines in texts imported from TIF data frames changed: - kRp.corpus: replaced prototype() in class definition with initialize method changes in version 0.4-1 (2020-12-17) fixed: - docTermMatrix(): results were wrong because numbers were assigned to wrong columns; now fixed in koRpus - unit tests failed on windows due to an UTF-8 issue changed: - the nested object class kRp.hierarchy was replaced by kRp.corpus; instead of reproducing the file hierarchy in the object structure, kRp.corpus has a flat structure with all texts in one single data frame; this data frame was also renamed from "TT.res" into "tokens" the class name kRp.corpus was used in tm.plugin.koRpus before and is just being recycled ;) kRp.corpus inherits from class kRp.text as defined in the koRpus package - status messages are currently only shown when only one CPU is used - corpusTagged(): now called taggedText() as in koRpus - corpusDesc(): now called describe() as in koRpus - [, [<-, [[ and [[<- methods no longer apply to the summary data frame but tokens slot as in koRpus (where it applies to the TT.res slot) - show(): kRp.corpus objects now list all available features - read.corp.custom(): removed unused mc.cores argument - docTermMatrix(): by default behaves like most other methods and adds its result to the input object rather than returning just the matrix; also, the generic is now defined by the koRpus package and was removed, including all of the actual function code - adjusted unit tests and vignette - updated all examples to use a new sample corpus (see added), to the benefit that many "\dontrun{}" cases could be removed added: - readCorpus(): the hierarchy levels of a text corpus can now be assumed directly from the directory structure by setting "hierarchy=TRUE" - corpusHasFeatures(), corpusHasFeatures()<-, corpusFeatures(), corpusFeatures()<-, corpusHierarchy(), corpusHierarchy()<-, corpusCorpFreq(), corpusCorpFreq()<-, diffText(), diffText()<-, originalText(): new getter/setter methods for kRp.corpus objects - split_by_doc_id(): new method transforms a kRp.corpus object into a list of kRp.text objects - corpusDocTermMatrix(): new method to get/set the sparse document term matrix in kRp.corpus objects - [[/[[<-: gained new argument "doc_id" to limit the scope to particular documents - describe()/describe()<-: now support filtering by doc_id - new sample corpus for use in examples removed: - removed all classes and methods dealing with kRp.hierarchy - removed deprecated methods of the pre-kRp.hierarchy era - removed generic of tif_as_tokens_df() as it was moved to the koRpus package changes in version 0.3-1 (2019-05-14) fixed: - readCorpus(): solved a cryptic warning when more than one text was tokenized added: - docTermMatrix(): new method to generate document-term matrices, either with absolute frequencies or tf-idf values - query(): new method, extending the generic of koRpus >= 0.12-1 - filterByClass(): new method, extending the generic of koRpus >= 0.12-1 - jumbleWords(): new method, extending the generic of koRpus >= 0.12-1 - clozeDelete(): new method, extending the generic of koRpus >= 0.12-1 - cTest(): new method, extending the generic of koRpus >= 0.12-1 - textTransform(): new method, extending the generic of koRpus >= 0.12-1 - show(): new method for objects of class kRp.hierarchy changed: - depends on koRpus >= 0.12-1 now - depends on the Matrix package now (for docTermMatrix()) - adjusted test standards to include the additional POS tags from koRpus >= 0.12-1 changes in version 0.02-2 (2019-01-18) fixed: - readCorpus(), kRpSource(): added missing imports from packages tm, NLP and parallel - readCorpus(): fixed status message formatting - corpusTm(): removed useless "level" argument and corrected the output - readCorpus(): removed unused "level" argument - corpusFiles(): now also works with flat hierarchy objects added: - readCorpus(): can now also import data frames in TIF format, including support for hierarchal categories - tif_as_corpus_df(): new S4 method to transform a kRp.hierarchy object into a TIF compliant data frame changed: - readCorpus(): the tm corpora now include full hierarchy metadata - removed pre-hierarchy portions from internal function whatIsAvailable() changes in version 0.02-1 (2018-07-29) changed: - vignette: also includes info on readCorpus() - tests: adjusted test standards to new object class added: - kRp.hierarchy: new S4 class to replace kRp.sourcesCorpus and kRp.topicCorpus to allow more generic nesting of hierarchical levels - readCorpus(): new function to generate kRp.hierarchy objects recursively - many corpus*() getter functions can now filter by hierarchy level or category ID - removed all code regarding simpleCorpus(), sourcesCorpus() and topicCorpus(), their object classes and methods; this is all handled much more flexible by kRp.hierarchy and readCorpus() now changes in version 0.01-4 (2018-03-07) fixed: - sourcesCorpus(): speak of "text" instead of "texts" if it's only one changed: - adjusted package to support koRpus >= 0.11 and sylly, especially with regards to summary(), hyphen(), and new class contructors - summary(): for more coherence with the koRpus package the "text" column in the summary slot was renamed into "doc_id" - supports HTTPS now, updated references - vignette is now in RMarkdown/HTML format; the SWeave/PDF version was dropped - hyphen()/lex.div()/readability(): 'quiet' is now TRUE by default - lex.div(): 'char' is now an emtpy string by default; computing all characteristics was not a useful default for large text corpora added: - - new [, [<-, [[ and [[<- methods added for corpus object classes - new methods tif_as_tokens_df() to export corpus objects as a single data.frame in fully TIF compliant format - summary(): now also includes the total number of stopwords (if available) - new class object contructors kRp_corpus(), kRp_sourcesCorpus(), and kRp_topicCorpus() can be used instead of new("kRp.corpus", ...) etc. changes in version 0.01-3 (2016-07-12) fixed: - the arguments that simpleCorpus() was supposed to pipe to DirSource() weren't used changed: - the "paths" argument of topicCorpus() now expects a list, not a vector - using the parallel package to be able to use more CPU cores added: - new argument "format" for simpleCorpus(), sourceCorpus(), and topicCorpus(), to be able to work with text objects directly, instead of files changes in version 0.01-2 (2015-07-08) changed: - using the S4 methods of koRpus 0.06-1 now, therefore renamed all methods removing the *.corpus suffix (e.g., lex.div.corpus() is now lex.div()) - renamed classes into kRp.corpus, kRp.sourcesCorpus and kRp.topicCorpus, and their generator functions accordingly added: - new methods read.corp.custom(), freq.analysis() and summary() - new getter/setter methods: corpusSources(), corpusTopics(), corpusFreq(), corpusSummary() - first basic unit tests, using the testthat package - new option "summary" for lex.div() and readability(), to automatically update the summary data.frames - first notes in a vignette changes in version 0.01-1 (2015-06-29) added: - initial release