// Enum class for v3dheadertypes // AUTO-GENERATED from v3dheadertypes.csv // Generated at 2024-10-07 18:22:49+00:00 namespace camp { enum v3dheadertypes : uint32_t { canvasWidth=1, // UINT Canvas width canvasHeight=2, // UINT Canvas heighot absolute=3, // BOOL true: absolute size; false: scale to canvas minBound=4, // TRIPLE Scene minimum bounding box corners maxBound=5, // TRIPLE Scene maximum bounding box corners orthographic=6, // BOOL true: orthographic; false: perspective angleOfView=7, // REAL Field of view angle (in radians) initialZoom=8, // REAL Initial zoom viewportShift=9, // PAIR Viewport shift (for perspective projection) viewportMargin=10, // PAIR Margin around viewport light=11, // RGB Direction and color of each point light source background=12, // RGBA Background color zoomFactor=13, // REAL Zoom base factor zoomPinchFactor=14, // REAL Zoom pinch factor zoomPinchCap=15, // REAL Zoom pinch limit zoomStep=16, // REAL Zoom power step shiftHoldDistance=17, // REAL Shift-mode maximum hold distance (pixels) shiftWaitTime=18, // REAL Shift-mode hold time (milliseconds) vibrateTime=19, // REAL Shift-mode vibrate time (milliseconds) }; } // namespace camp // End of File