Gwf Changelog
Changes for version 0.7.7 from version 0.7.6
- Bugfixes:
- FIXED: Saving a file when no project was selected caused an crash ;
Changes for version 0.7.6 from version 0.7.5
- Bugfixes:
- FIXED: The source writing wrote "#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG" instead of "#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H" ;
- Changes:
- The load and save-as dialogs now "remember" the last directory you entered ;
- Calling save to save a project now calls save as instead of showing a warning ;
- The load and save dialogs start in your home-directory ;
Changes for version 0.7.5 from version 0.7.4
- Bugfixes:
- FIXED: On the element widget properties, the indicators for the get function showed the state of the set function.
This was changed to show the get function, as it should ;
- FIXED: The element source writing wrote a line-feed if there was no set or get-function declaration in the h-file.
This was removed ;
- FIXED: The marshaller writing when there were no parameters worked invalid. Bug 109195 solved ;
- Changes:
- Added a button to the "Save files"-tab of the project options, to create the source-filenames out of the widgetname ;
Changes for version 0.7.4 from version 0.7.3
- Bugfixes:
- FIXED: Version 0.7.3 used the BSD-function scandir, hence preventing compile on Solaris Systems. Bug 108940 solved ;
- Changes:
- The properties "Strict parent checking" and "Strict type checking" were removed, as they served no real purpose ;
- Removed the ability to display settings in a separate window ;
Changes for version 0.7.3 from version 0.7.2
- Changes:
- The captials in the widget name now have influence on the function names: GtkToggleButton becomes gtk_toggle_button ;
- The number of tabs added after the function declarations was incorrect. This was fixed ;
Changes for version 0.7.2 from version 0.7.1
- Bugfixes:
- FIXED: Deleting a signal or an element caused a crash ;
- FIXED: The startup creation of directories caused a crash ;
- Changes:
- User plugin directories are only created when plugins should be loaded ;
- The version shown in the aboutbox was synced with the program version ;
- The webpage as shown in the aboutbox was adated to the new webpage ;
- The Widget type property in the basic Widget properties was disabled as it's not used ;
Changes for version 0.7.1 from version 0.7.0
- Bugfixes:
- FIXED: On loading the project data provided by the plugins was not added ;
- FIXED: On clicking an item in the project tree, which was not a project or an project section the program crashed ;
- Changes:
- Messages are now shown after loading, saving and deleting a project and after source code generation ;
- The right tab in the widget properties is selected also when selecting a child of a section ;
- If only the filename of the source files is set, the source are saved in the same directory as the project file ;
Changes for version 0.7.0 from version 0.6.0
- The GUI was redesigned:
- All windows are packed together ;
- The project list is replaced by the project tree ;
- Clicking on the project tree now selects the current project ;
- Clicking on an item within a project on the project tree sets the right tab in the widget options ;
- The project options don't require a click on the OK-button to be confirmed ;
- The error messages window is now also used for hints and information ;
- The error messages window now shows a graphic to indicate the type of message (HINT, WARNING or ERROR) ;
- The menu was redesigned ;
- Some options which are not implemented yet are now disabled ;
- The scrolled window of the project tree now scrolls the tree when neccesairy ;
- The GwfData library was created to support plugins:
- All non-GUI parts are now handled by this library ;
- The plugin support was completed. ;
- The properties signals and elements were removed form the project. These are now plugins ;
- The ability to save in different file-formats was removed ;
- The save-format property in the project was removed ;
- The file format changed: save-format properties are now ignored (although the old files can de read) ;
- Plugins not loaded from a module-file can now be inserted into the program ;
- The signals and elements properties are now plugins ;
Changes for version 0.6.0 from version 0.5.0
- Source code writing is implemented ;
- Parent include file property added ;
- Set and Get function allocation code property added ;
- Set and Get function changed from string to boolean (for standarization) ;
- Removed the parent class property ;
- File version 0.2.0 set ;
- I/O Buffers removed from the project ;
- Project I/O was moved to a separate unit ;
- An error dialog logs all errors ;
- configure checks for the presence of libxml (aka gnome-xml) ;
- configure can set automatic filename extension and type guessing
- I'm getting bored : as usual a few bugfixes
Changes for version 0.5.0 from version 0.4.0
- The file format of the projects is now set. Loading and saving projects is now possible.
- Advanced loading and saving (setting the format and the I/O buffer) added.
- The dialogs were slightly changed.
- Two small bugfixes.......
Changes for version 0.4.0 from version 0.3.0
- The complete GUI code was rewritten. All windows are now created as GtkWindows. This widget stores all necessairy data, so no
global pointers are needed.
- Prepared the different windows for plugin support.
- Added the Project Tree window. This window show's a tree layout of all projects.
- The usual bugfixes...
Changes for version 0.3.0 from version 0.2.0
- Added plugin support. This is however not yet tested or integrated in the rest of the program.
- Write files in other formats
- Redirection of the written files (projects and source)
- Additional data elements for projects, which can be
- Show and altered in the widget options window (not integrated yet)
- Saved and loaded
Source writing of the project and its plugins will be handled in later versions
- Saving of projects via lib-xml is now possible although it's not yet integrated in the rest of the program
- The current project indicator is now stored in the project list (the right place). The GwfData-structure will
be removed in the future, so this change had to be made.
- Bugfixes in the project structure.
Changes for version 0.2.0 from version 0.1.0
- Adding widget structure elements to the project
- Removing the attach signal property from the project. After some study it proved useless.
- Adding a main GtkObject decendant to hold all data of the program. It will also emit a signal when the current project changes.
Then, the whole project <-> GUI interaction will be signal based.
- Added structure elements and some other properties to comply with the options show in the GUI. These new options can not be saved yet
however. This will be changed in version 0.4.0
- Bugfixes in the project structure and the GUI.
Changes for version 0.1.0 from version 0.0.1
- Mainly changes to the gui. Created it's functionality :
- Added the widget options dialog and a great deal of functionality. The widget elements tab does not work however.
Also the update buttons of the signals and their parameters don't yet work.
- Added an about dialog.
- Added the Project Options dialog.
- Added the functionality of the options New,Load,Save,Quit,Delete,Show Widget Options,Project Options and About.
- Added the interaction between the projects and the widget options.
- Added the interaction between the projects and the mainwindow.
- Added the interaction between the projects and the project options.
- Some bugfixes
Changes for version 0.0.1 from version 0.0.0
- Functionality to save and load projects using a special file format (stored in xml).
- Functionality to manage mutiple projects.
- Initial design of the mainwindow, whithout any functionality, just for testing purposes.