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BOOK MOVED: mh-e - Sending Mail

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Last change $Date: 2006/05/28 04:27:15 $
Suggestions are welcome: Bill Wohler <wohler@@newt.com>
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Sending Mail

You can send a mail message in several ways. You can call M-x mh-smail directly, or from the command line like this:

% emacs -f mh-smail

From within mh-e's MH-Folder mode, other methods of sending mail are available as well:

Compose a message (mh-send).
Reply to a message (mh-reply).
Forward message(s) (mh-forward).
Redistribute a message (mh-redistribute).
Edit a message that was bounced by mailer (mh-extract-rejected-mail).
Edit a message to send it again (mh-edit-again).

From within a MH-Folder buffer, you can simply use the command m (mh-send). However you invoke mh-send, you are prompted for the `To:', `cc:', and `Subject:' header fields. Once you've specified the recipients and subject, your message appears in an Emacs buffer whose mode is MH-Letter (see the Figure in section Sending Mail to see what the buffer looks like). MH-Letter mode allows you to edit your message, to check the validity of the recipients, to insert other messages into your message, and to send the message. We'll go more into depth about editing a draft (11) (a message you're composing) in just a moment.

mh-smail always creates a two-window layout with the current buffer on top and the draft on the bottom. If you would rather preserve the window layout, use M-x mh-smail-other-window.

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