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BOOK MOVED: mh-e - Customizing Moving Mail

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Last change $Date: 2006/05/28 04:27:15 $
Suggestions are welcome: Bill Wohler <wohler@@newt.com>
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Moving Your Mail Around

If you change the name of some of the MH programs or have your own printing programs, the following variables can help you. They are described in detail in the subsequent sections.

Program to incorporate mail (default: `"inc"').
Functions to run when incorporating mail (default: nil).
Functions to run when deleting messages (default: nil).
Print in foreground or background (default: nil).
Command used to print (default: `"lpr -J '%s'"').
Function to generate a default folder (default: nil).
Collect folder names in background at startup (default: t).
Collect nested folders (default: nil).
Functions to run when refiling message (default: nil).
Default directory for storing files created by uuencode or shar (default: nil).
Additional arguments for sortm (default: nil).
Program to scan messages (default: `"scan"').
Functions to run before quitting (default: nil). See also mh-quit-hook.
Functions to run after quitting (default: nil). See also mh-before-quit-hook.

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