head 1.4; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.4 date 2006.; author jpeek; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date 2006.; author jpeek; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date 2006.; author jpeek; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2006.; author jpeek; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @mh-e_77.html page from mh-e section of "MH & nmh: Email for Users & Programmers" @ 1.4 log @Removed 'html/' from end of http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/html/ URLs @ text @ BOOK MOVED: mh-e - From Brian Reid

BOOK MOVED: mh-e - From Brian Reid

This section of MH & nmh: Email for Users & Programmers is now the MH-E Manual. It's moved to http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/.

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Last change $Date: 2006/05/28 04:27:15 $
Suggestions are welcome: Bill Wohler <wohler@@newt.com>
@ 1.3 log @removed 'Tour-Through-MH_002dE.html' from end of http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/html/ @ text @d4 1 a4 1 content="15;URL=http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/html/"> d15 2 a16 2 href="http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/html/"> http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/html/. d39 1 a39 1 Last change $Date: 2006/05/26 23:59:01 $ @ 1.2 log @Replaced with page pointing people to new MH-E Manual @ text @d4 1 a4 1 content="15;URL=http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/html/Tour-Through-MH_002dE.html"> d15 2 a16 2 href="http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/html/Tour-Through-MH_002dE.html"> http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/html/Tour-Through-MH_002dE.html. d39 1 a39 1 Last change $Date: 2006/05/26 22:12:05 $ @ 1.1 log @Original version from Feb 19 2001 @ text @d3 2 d7 39 a45 41 mh-e - From Brian Reid Go to the first, previous, next, last section, table of contents.

From Brian Reid

One day in 1983 I got the flu and had to stay home from work for three days with nothing to do. I used that time to write MHE. The fundamental idea behind MHE was that it was a "puppeteer" driving the MH programs underneath it. MH had a model that the editor was supposed to run as a subprocess of the mailer, which seemed to me at the time to be the tail wagging the dog. So I turned it around and made the editor drive the MH programs. I made sure that the UCI people (who were maintaining MH at the time) took in my changes and made them stick.

Today, I still use my own version of MHE because I don't at all like the way that GNU mh-e works and I've never gotten to be good enough at hacking Emacs Lisp to make GNU mh-e do what I want. The Gosling-emacs version of MHE and the GNU Emacs version of mh-e have almost nothing in common except similar names. They work differently, have different conceptual models, and have different key bindings. (18)

Brian Reid, June 1994

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