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BOOK MOVED: MH & nmh: mh-e Reference Guide

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Suggestions are welcome: Bill Wohler <wohler@@newt.com>
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mh-e Reference Guide

[previous] [next] [table of contents] [index] d11 13 a23 2
d25 11 a35 6
  • mh-e MH-Folder Mode: Reading Mail
  • mh-e MH-Folder Mode: Sending Mail
  • mh-e MH-Folder Mode: Moving Messages Around
  • mh-e MH-Folder Mode: Sequences
  • mh-e MH-Letter Mode: Used when sending messages
  • mh-e MH-Pick Mode: Used when searching for messages a36 828

    mh-e MH-Folder Mode: Reading Mail

    FunctionCommandShort Description
    mh-show RET Display a message
    mh-page-msg SPC Go to next page in message. With arg, scroll that many lines
    mh-previous-page DEL Go to previous page in message. With arg, scroll that many lines
    mh-header-display , (comma) Display a message with all header fields
    mh-page-digest M-SPC Go to next message in digest
    mh-page-digest-backwards M-DEL Go to previous message in digest
    mh-burst-digest M-b Break up digest into separate messages
    mh-next-undeleted-msg n Display next message. With arg, skip that many messages first
    mh-previous-undeleted-msg p Display previous message. With arg, skip that many messages first
    mh-goto-msg g Go to a message. With arg, don't prompt for message number
    mh-first-msg M-< Go to first message
    mh-last-msg M-> Go to last message
    mh-toggle-showing t Toggle between MH-Folder and MH-Folder Show modes

    VariableDefaultShort Description
    mh-progs nil Directory containing MH programs
    mh-lib nil Directory containing MH support files and programs
    mh-do-not-confirm nil Don't confirm on non-reversible commands
    mh-summary-height 4 Number of scan lines to show (includes mode line)
    mh-folder-mode-hook nil Functions to run in MH-Folder mode
    mh-clean-message-header nil Remove extraneous header fields
    mh-invisible-headers "^Received: \\|
    ^Message-Id: \\|
    ^Remailed-\\| ^Via: \\|
    ^Mail-from: \\|
    ^Return-Path: \\|
    ^In-Reply-To: \\|
    Header fields to hide
    mh-visible-headers nil Header fields to display
    mhl-formfile nil Format file for mhl
    mh-show-hook nil Functions to run when showing message
    mh-show-mode-hook nil Functions to run when showing message
    mh-bury-show-buffer t Leave show buffer at end of stack
    "{show-%s} %d" Name of show buffer
    mh-recenter-summary-p nil Center summary window when toggled

    mh-e MH-Folder Mode: Sending Mail

    FunctionCommandShort Description
    mh-send m Compose a message
    mh-reply r Reply to a message. With arg, include replied-to message
    mh-forward f Forward message(s). With arg, prompt for sequence
    mh-redistribute M-d Redistribute a message
    mh-extract-rejected-mail M-e Edit a message that was bounced by mailer
    mh-edit-again M-a Edit a message to send it again

    VariableDefaultShort Description
    mh-comp-formfile "components" Format file for drafts
    mh-repl-formfile "replcomps" Format file for replies
    mh-letter-mode-hook nil Functions to run in MH-Letter mode
    mh-compose-letter-function nil Functions to run when starting a new draft
    mh-reply-default-reply-to nil Whom reply goes to
    mh-forward-subject-format "%s: %s" Format string for forwarded message subject
    mh-redist-full-contents nil send requires entire message
    "^Date: \\| ^Received: \\|
    ^Message-Id: \\| ^From: \\|
    ^Sender: \\|
    ^Delivery-Date: \\|
    Remove these header fields from re-edited draft

    mh-e MH-Folder Mode: Moving Messages Around

    FunctionCommandShort Description
    mh-inc-folder i Incorporate new mail into folder. With arg, prompt for file from which to inc
    mh-delete-msg d Delete message. With arg, prompt for sequence
    mh-delete-msg-no-motion C-d Delete message, don't move to next message. With arg, prompt for sequence
    mh-search-folder M-s Find messages that meet search criteria
    mh-refile-msg o Output (refile) message to folder. With arg, prompt for sequence
    mh-copy-msg c Copy message to folder. With arg, prompt for sequence
    mh-write-msg-to-file C-o Output (write) message to file. With arg, don't write header
    mh-refile-or-write-again ! Repeat last refile or write
    mh-print-msg l Print message. With arg, prompt for sequence
    mh-pipe-msg | Pipe message through shell command. With arg, include header
    mh-store-msg M-n Unpack message created with uuencode or shar
    mh-list-folders M-l List all folders
    mh-visit-folder M-f Visit folder
    mh-rescan-folder M-r Regenerate scan lines. With arg, prompt for range
    mh-sort-folder -- Sort folder. With arg, use mh-sortm-args
    mh-pack-folder M-p Pack folder. With arg, prompt for range to display after packing
    mh-kill-folder M-k Remove folder
    mh-execute-commands x Execute pending refiles and deletes
    mh-undo u Undo pending refile or delete. With arg, prompt for sequence
    mh-undo-folder M-u Undo all pending refiles and deletes
    mh-quit q Quit

    VariableDefaultShort Description
    mh-inc-prog "inc" MH program to incorporate new mail
    mh-inc-folder-hook nil Functions to run when incorporating mail
    mh-delete-msg-hook nil Functions to run when deleting messages
    mh-print-background nil Print in foreground or background
    mh-lpr-command-format "lpr -J '%s'" Command used to print
    nil Generate default folder for Fcc: or refile prompt
    mh-auto-folder-collect t Collect folder names in background at startup
    mh-recursive-folders nil Collect nested folders
    mh-refile-msg-hook nil Functions to run when refiling message
    mh-store-default-directory nil Default directory for storing uuencode or shar files
    mh-sortm-args nil Additional arguments for sortm
    mh-scan-prog "scan" Program to scan messages
    mh-msg-number-regexp "^ *\\([0-9]+\\)" Matches message number in scan line
    mh-msg-search-regexp "^[^0-9]*%d[^0-9]" Matches message number %d
    mh-valid-scan-line "^ *[0-9]" Matches a valid scan line
    mh-cmd-note 4 Offset for notation
    mh-deleted-msg-regexp "^....D" Matches deleted message
    mh-refiled-msg-regexp "^....\\^" Matches refiled message
    mh-cur-scan-msg-regexp "^....\\+" Matches the current message
    mh-good-msg-regexp "^....[^D^]" Matches message that can be shown by n, etc.
    mh-note-deleted "D" Notation for deleted messages
    mh-note-refiled "^" Notation for refiled messages
    mh-note-copied "C" Notation for copied messages
    mh-note-cur "+" Notation for the current message
    mh-note-repl "-" Notation for replied to messages
    mh-note-forw "F" Notation for forwarded messages
    mh-note-dist "R" Notation for redistributed messages
    mh-note-printed "P" Notation for printed messages
    mh-note-seq "%" Notation for messages in a sequence
    mh-before-quit-hook nil Functions to run before quitting
    mh-quit-hook nil Functions to run after quitting

    mh-e MH-Folder Mode: Sequences

    FunctionCommandShort Description
    mh-put-msg-in-seq % Put message in a sequence. With arg, prompt for source sequence
    mh-msg-is-in-seq ? Print sequences that message belongs to
    mh-list-sequences M-q List all sequences in folder
    mh-delete-msg-from-seq M-% Remove message from sequence
    mh-delete-seq M-# Delete sequence
    mh-narrow-to-seq C-x n Restrict display to messages in sequence
    mh-widen C-x w Remove restriction; display all messages

    mh-e MH-Letter Mode: Used when sending messages

    FunctionCommandShort Description
    mh-yank-cur-msg C-c C-y Insert contents of message being replied to
    mh-insert-letter C-c C-i Insert message from a folder. With arg, don't indent or delete headers
    mh-to-field C-c C-f C-t Move to To: header field
    mh-to-field C-c C-f C-c Move to cc: header field
    mh-to-field C-c C-f C-s Move to Subject: header field
    mh-to-field C-c C-f C-r Move to From: header field
    mh-to-field C-c C-f C-b Move to Bcc: header field
    mh-to-fcc C-c C-f C-f Move to Fcc: header field
    mh-to-field C-c C-f C-d Move to Dcc: header field
    mh-check-whom C-c C-w Display expanded recipient list
    mh-insert-signature C-c C-s Insert signature in message
    mh-mhn-compose-forw C-c C-m C-f Include forwarded message (MIME)
    mh-mhn-compose-anon-ftp C-c C-m C-e Include anonymous ftp reference (MIME)
    C-c C-m C-t Include anonymous ftp reference to compressed tar file (MIME)
    mh-mhn-compose-insertion C-c C-m C-i Include binary, image, sound, etc. (MIME)
    mh-edit-mhn C-c C-e Run through mhn before sending. With arg, use mh-mhn-args
    mh-revert-mhn-edit C-c C-m C-u Undo effects of mhn. With arg, don't confirm
    mh-send-letter C-c C-c Save draft and send message. With arg, monitor delivery
    mh-fully-kill-draft C-c C-q Quit editing and delete draft message

    VariableDefaultShort Description
    mh-yank-from-start-of-msg t How to yank when region not set
    mh-ins-buf-prefix "> " Indent for yanked messages
    mail-citation-hook nil Functions to run on yanked messages
    nil Delete message window on yank
    mh-mime-content-types ("text/richtext")
    List of valid content types
    mh-mhn-args nil Additional arguments for mhn
    mh-signature-file-name "~/.signature" File containing signature
    mh-before-send-letter-hook nil Functions to run before sending draft
    mh-send-prog "send" MH program used to send messages

    mh-e MH-Pick Mode: Used when searching for messages

    FunctionCommandShort Description
    mh-to-field C-c C-f C-t Move to To: header field
    mh-to-field C-c C-f C-c Move to cc: header field
    mh-to-field C-c C-f C-s Move to Subject: header field
    mh-to-field C-c C-f C-r Move to From: header field
    mh-to-field C-c C-f C-b Move to Bcc: header field
    mh-to-fcc C-c C-f C-f Move to Fcc: header field
    mh-to-field C-c C-f C-d Move to Dcc: header field
    mh-do-pick-search C-c C-c Execute the search

    VariableDefaultShort Description
    mh-pick-mode-hook nil Functions to run in MH-Pick mode
    "select" Used to modify mode line

    [Table of Contents] [Index] [Previous: xmh Reference Guide] [Next: exmh Reference Guide]

    d38 1 a38 10 Last change $Date: 2001/02/19 00:33:44 $

    This file is from the third edition of the book MH & xmh: Email for Users & Programmers, ISBN 1-56592-093-7, by Jerry Peek. Copyright © 1991, 1992, 1995 by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. This file is freely-available; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. For more information, see the file copying.htm.

    d40 2 a41 2 Suggestions are welcome: Bill Wohler <wohler@@newt.com> @