Last update:
30 November 2002
Between formal C-Kermit releases, and even between Alpha and Beta releases
during C-Kermit testing periods, the current working sources are uploaded
to the Kermit FTP site on a daily basis:
- Unix Kermit source code, Tar archive, Gzip compression (gunzip)
- Unix Kermit source code, Tar archive, Compress compression (uncompress).
- Unix and VMS source code, ZIP archive (unzip -a).
- Directory listing of the kermit/test/tar directory.
Included in the archive is a plain-text file, ckc207.txt, which
contains the detailed edit history, with the newest edits described at the
bottom. The daily upload is not guaranteed to build successfully on the
many platforms where a true release or Beta builds, but it does build on
at least 2 or 3 of our primary development platforms (Solaris, Linux, VMS,
HP-UX, Windows, or whatever we're testing that day).
The major changes in C-Kermit since version 8.0.206 was released are:
- Fixes to FTP MGET. Note that these fixes are already in the C-Kermit
8.0.206 source-code archives, but came too late for the prebuilt 8.0.206
binaries that are found on the website and on the C-Kermit 8.0 CDROM. The
fixes are:
- MGET commands with wildcards in the directory path
(e.g. "mget */data/*") were broken.
- MGET could fail to work (or worse) if a TMPDIR or CK_TMP environment
variable was defined referencing a long directory name. But this rarely
happens in Unix, where the standard temporary directory, /tmp,
is almost always used.
- The VMS version now supports SSL/TLS security via OpenSSL or Compaq SSL.
- Adjustments to the VMS version for VAX C 2.x and CMU/IP.
- Some fixes to RFC-2217 Telnet Com Port Control.
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