#################################################################################################### # CytobankAPI 2.2.1 * Bugfix: * Download FlowSOM zip files on windows operating system properly # CytobankAPI 2.2.0 * Support Cytobank PeacoQC data QC feature # CytobankAPI 2.1.1 * Bugfix: * Download FCS files on windows operating system properly # CytobankAPI 2.1.0 * Support Cytobank automatic gating feature # CytobankAPI 2.0.1 * Bug fixes: * Compatible with version 9.4 # CytobankAPI 2.0 * Authenticate endpoints: * Deprecate authentication.logout, authentication.revoke_all_tokens, and authentication.revoke_all_tokens_user functions * fcs_files endpoints: * Updates to fcs_files.download, fcs_files.download_zip, and fcs_files.upload_zip functions to reflect Cytobank back-end changes * Add fcs_files.status function * Attachments endpoints: * Updates to attachments.download, attachments.download_zip, and attachments.upload functions to reflect Cytobank back-end changes * Gates endpoints: * Add gates.apply function * Advanced analysis vignette: adds additional detail to available advanced analysis arguments --- # CytobankAPI 1.4.0 * Adding new Dimensionality Reduction Analyses endpoints * Includes documentation within vignettes, refer to https://developer.cytobank.org/ * Adding gates.apply function * Add support for Cytobank servers in China * Bug fixes: * Resolves conflict with viSNE advanced analyses objects and R version 3.5 --- # CytobankAPI 1.3.0 * Adding new FlowSOM Advanced Analyses endpoints * Includes documentation within vignettes, refer to https://developer.cytobank.org/ --- # CytobankAPI 1.2.0 * EXPERIMENTS endpoints changes: * experiments.clone_selective allows more customizability in selective cloning options --- # CytobankAPI 1.1.1 * DROP endpoint removed: * drop.upload_zip * Advanced Analyses: * viSNE: add advanced settings * seed, iterations, perplexity, and theta * Bug fixes: * Allow advanced analyses updates to have empty channels --- # CytobankAPI 1.1.0 * DROP endpoints added: * drop.upload & drop.upload_zip allow users to upload DROP files (CSV, TSV, TXT, FCS) to Cytobank * Statistics endpoint changes: * Allow long channel names to be used instead of channel IDs via the statistics.general endpoint * Get experiment version for user * Fixed bug involving experiments with no gates (was not able to gather statistics because no populations present in API response) * Now experiments with no gates are correctly gathering statistics * Advanced Analyses: * Allow long channel names to be used for advanced analyses objects --- # CytobankAPI * Bug fixes: * spade.bubbles_set endpoint correctly sending API requests using named named bubble list of node vectors * SPADE endpoint changes: * Allow 'absolute number' settings for Downsampled Events Target * Exposing 'created experiment' for SPADE analyses * Helper functions: * Added `helper.channel_ids_from_long_names` * Allow short channel names to be used instead of IDs * Implementing startup message to view CytobankAPI NEWS (via the 'CytobankAPI_news()' function) --- # CytobankAPI 1.0.1 * Added a `NEWS.md` file to track changes to the package. * SPADE endpoint changes: * Added downloading GML support * Added downloading full SPADE analysis support * Support updating the SPADE name directly via the `spade.update` method * viSNE endpoint changes: * Added viSNE 2.0 settings * Updated general documentation