## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = FALSE, comment = "", class.output = "text" ) ## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- library(felp) library(printr) # To include documents output by `?` in this article ## ----setup-echo, ref.label='setup', eval = FALSE------------------------------ # library(felp) # library(printr) # To include documents output by `?` in this article ## ----fun, attr.output=".r"---------------------------------------------------- felp?. # and `felp(felp)` return source and document of `felp` function ## ----data--------------------------------------------------------------------- dummy?. # and `felp(dummy)` return sructure and document of `dummy` dataset. ## ----pkg---------------------------------------------------------------------- felp?p # and `felp(package = felp)` return document of `felp` package