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Pav \thanks{\email{spav@alumni.cmu.edu}}} \author{Steven E. Pav \thanks{\email{shabbychef@gmail.com} Application of the multiplicative methods described herein for chemometrics applications may be covered by U.S. Patent. \cite{pav_nmf} }} %\date{\today, \currenttime} \maketitle %UNFOLD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{abstract}%FOLDUP We generalize the non-negative matrix factorization algorithm of \citeauthor{LeeSeung} \cite{LeeSeung} to accept a weighted norm, and to support ridge and Lasso regularization. We recast the \citeauthor{LeeSeung} multiplicative update as an additive update which does not get stuck on zero values. %We apply the companion R package \textsc{rnnmf} \cite{rnnmfrnnmf-Manual} %to the problem of finding a reduced rank representation of a database %of cocktails. \end{abstract}%UNFOLD \nocite{LeeSeung,GonzalezZhang,pav_nmf,2024survey} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Introduction}%FOLDUP The term \emph{non-negative matrix factorization} refers to decomposing a given matrix \YM with non-negative elements approximately as the product $\YM \approx \LM\RM$, for comformable non-negative matrices \LM and \RM of smaller rank than \YM. This factorization represents a kind of dimensionality reduction. The quality of the approximation is measured by some ``divergence'' between \YM and $\LM\RM$, or some norm of their difference. Perhaps the most common is the Frobenius (or elementwise $\ell_2$) distance between them. Under this objective, non-negative matrix factorization can be expressed as the optimization problem: \begin{equation} \min_{\LM \ge 0,\,\RM \ge 0} \trace{\gram{\wrapParens{\YM - \LM\RM}}}, \label{eqn:nmf_def_classic} \end{equation} where $\trace{\Mtx{M}}$ is the trace of the matrix $\Mtx{M}$, and $\Mtx{A} \ge 0$ means the elements of $\Mtx{A}$ are non-negative. \cite{nmf2024survey} \citeauthor{LeeSeung} described an iterative approach to this problem, as well as for a related optimization with a different objective. \citep{LeeSeung} Their algorithm starts with some unspecified initial iterates \LMp[0] and \RMp[0], then iteratively improves \LMp[k] and \RMp[k] in turn. That is, given \LMp[k] and \RMp[k], an update is made to arrive at \LMp[k+1]; then using \LMp[k+1] and \RMp[k], one computes \RMp[k+1], and the process repeats. The iterative update for \LMp[k+1] is \begin{equation} \LMp[k+1] \leftarrow \LMp[k] \hadt \YM\tr{\RMp[k]} \hadd \wrapParens{\LMp[k]\ogram{\RMp[k]}}. \label{eqn:nmf_def_update} \end{equation} We use \hadt to mean the Hadamard, or `elementwise', multiplication, and $\hadd$ to mean Hadamard division. The iterative update for \RMp[k+1] is defined \emph{mutatis mutandis}. As should be apparent from inspection, this iterative update maintains non-negativity of estimates. That is, if \YM, \LMp[k], and \RMp[k] have only positive elements, then \LMp[k+1] is finite and has only positive elements. It is not clear what should be done if elements of the denominator term \LMp[k]\ogram{\RMp[k]} are zero, and whether and how this can be avoided. \citeauthor{GonzalezZhang} describe a modification of the update to accelerate convergence. \citep{GonzalezZhang} Their accelerated algorithm updates \LMp[k] row by row, and \RMp[k] column by column, using the step length modification of \citet{merritt2005interior}. %This accelerated algorithm \ldots One attractive feature of the \citeauthor{LeeSeung} iterative update is its sheer simplicity. In a high-level computer language with a rich set of matrix operations, such as Julia or octave, the iterative step can be expressed in a single line of code; the entire algorithm could be expressed in perhaps 20 lines of code. Conceivably this algorithm could even be implemented in challenged computing environments, like within a SQL query or a spreadsheet macro language. Simplicity makes this algorithm an obvious choice for experimentation without requiring an all-purpose constrained quadratic optimization solver, or other complicated software. %\nocite{nocedal2006numerical} %UNFOLD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Regularized Non-Negative Matrix Factorization}%FOLDUP We generalize the optimization problem of \ref{eqn:nmf_def_classic} to include a weighted norm, regularization terms, and orthogonality penalties. For a given \YM, and non-negative weighting matrices \WM{0,R}, \WM{0,C}, \WM{1,L}, \WM{1,R}, \WM{2,R,L,j}, \WM{2,C,L,j}, \WM{2,R,R,j}, and \WM{2,C,R,j}, find matrices \LM and \RM to minimize \begin{align} \label{eqn:nmf_def_regularized} \min_{\LM \ge 0,\,\RM \ge 0} \,\,& \half \trace{\qform{\WM{0,R}}{\wrapParens{\YM - \LM\RM}}\WM{0,C}}\\ \nonumber&\phantom{=}\, + \trace{\trAB{\WM{1,L}}{\LM}} + \trace{\trAB{\WM{1,R}}{\RM}}\\ \nonumber&\phantom{=}\, + \half\sum_{1 \le j \le J}\trace{\qform{\WM{2,R,L,j}}{\LM}\WM{2,C,L,j}}\\ \nonumber&\phantom{=}\, + \half\sum_{1 \le j \le J}\trace{\qform{\WM{2,R,R,j}}{\RM}\WM{2,C,R,j}}. \end{align} Essentially we are trying to model \YM as $\LM\RM$. Our loss function is quadratic in the error $\YM -\LM\RM$, with weights \WM{0,R} and \WM{0,C}, and $\ell_1$ and $\ell_2$ regularization via the terms with $\WM{1}$ and \WM{2,R,j} and \WM{2,C,j}. This optimization problem includes that of \ref{eqn:nmf_def_classic} as a special case. We note that a non-orthogonality penalty term on the \XM can be expressed as \begin{equation*} \frac{c}{2}\trace{\qform{\eye}{\XM}\wrapParens{\offdiag}}. \end{equation*} Thus a non-orthogonality penalty term can be expressed with the $\WM{2,R,j}$ and $\WM{2,C,j}$. Indeed the motivation for including a sum of the $\ell_2$ terms is to allow for both straightforward regularization, where $\WM{2,R,j} = \eye$ and $\WM{2,C,j}=c \eye$, and orthogonality terms. For simplicity of notation, in the discussion that follows we will often treat the $\ell_2$ terms as if there were only one of them, \ie $J=1$, and omit the $j$ subscripts. Restoring the more general case consists only of expanding to a full sum of $J$ terms. This problem formulation is appropriate for power users who can meaningfully select the various weighting matrices. And while it is easy to conceive of a use for general forms for \WM{0,R} and \WM{0,C} (the rows of \YM have different importances, or the columns of \YM are observed with different accuracies, for example), most users would probably prefer simpler formulations for the $\WM{1,\cdot}$ and $\WM{2,\cdot,\cdot,j}$ matrices. To achieve something like an elasticnet factorization with non-orthogonality penalties, one should set $J=2$ and take \begin{align} \nonumber \WM{1,L} &= \lambda_{1,L} \mone,&\quad \WM{1,R} &= \lambda_{1,R} \mone,\\ \nonumber \WM{2,R,L,1} &= \lambda_{2,L} \eye,&\quad \WM{2,C,L,1} &= \eye,\\ \label{eqn:simple_weighting} \WM{2,R,R,1} &= \lambda_{2,R} \eye,&\quad \WM{2,C,R,1} &= \eye,\\ \nonumber \WM{2,R,L,2} &= \eye,&\quad \WM{2,C,L,2} &= \gamma_{2,L} \wrapParens{\offdiag},\\ \nonumber \WM{2,R,R,2} &= \eye,&\quad \WM{2,C,R,2} &= \gamma_{2,R} \wrapParens{\offdiag}, \end{align} where here $\mone$ stands in for an all-ones matrix of the appropriate size. All the $\lambda$ and $\gamma$ parameters must be non-negative, and the identity matrices are all appropriately sized. This is the reduced form of the problem that depends mostly on a few scalars. A simple form for the weighted error is to take \WM{0,R} and \WM{0,C} to be diagonal matrices, Depending on the regularization terms, the solution to the problem of \ref{eqn:nmf_def_regularized} is unlikely to be unique. Certain the solution to \ref{eqn:nmf_def_classic} is not unique, since if \Mtx{Q} is a permutation matrix of the appropriate size, then $\LM\Mtx{Q}$ and $\minv{\Mtx{Q}}\RM$ are another set of non-negative matrices with the same objective value. Perhaps the regularization terms can help avoid these kinds of ambiguity in the solution. \subsubsection{Split Form} To approximately solve this problem our algorithm starts with some initial estimates of \LM and \RM and iteratively alternates between updating the estimate of \LM with the estimate of \RM fixed, and updating the estimate of \RM with the estimate of \LM fixed. To discuss these half-step updates, we can describe both of them in a single unified formulation. So we consider the optimization problem \begin{equation} \min_{\XM \ge 0} \objf{\XM}, \label{eqn:nmf_def_new} \end{equation} where we define the objective function \begin{align} \label{eqn:nmf_new_objective} \objf{\XM} &=\half \trace{\qform{\WM{0,R}}{\wrapParens{\YM - \LM\XM\RM}}\WM{0,C}}\\ \nonumber&\phantom{=}\, + \trace{\trAB{\WM{1}}{\XM}} + \half\sum_{1 \le j \le J} \trace{\qform{\WM{2,R,j}}{\XM}\WM{2,C,j}}. \end{align} %$\XM \ge 0$ is taken to mean `element-wise' inequality, and where We must assume that \LM has full column rank and \RM has full row rank, \WM{0,R}, \WM{0,C}, \WM{2,R,j} and \WM{2,C,j} are square, symmetric and positive semidefinite. The \WM{0,R} has the same number of rows as \YM, and \WM{0,C} has the same number of columns as \YM. \WM{1} is the same size as $\XM$; we will make further restrictions on \WM{1} below. The matrices \WM{2,R,j} have the same number of rows as \XM, and \WM{2,C,j} have the same number of columns as \XM. All the $\WM{i,\cdot}$ are assumed to have non-negative elements, that is $\WM{i,\cdot} \ge 0$. Our algorithm now consists of filling in an identity for \LM, and estimate of \LM for \XM, and all the \LM-appropriate weighting matrices into \eqnref{nmf_new_objective} and taking a step to solve \problemref{nmf_def_regularized}, getting an update of \LM. Then we perform a similar operation to get a new estimate of \RM. %We can restore Lee and Seung's original %formulation by setting $\WM{0,R}$ and $\WM{0,C}$ to the appropriately sized identity matrices, %setting $\WM{1}$, $\WM{2,R}$ and $\WM{2,C}$ to matrix zero, %and alternately setting \RM or \LM to the identity while improving estimates of \LM and \RM respectively. %in which case our objective is \eg %$\half \trace{\gram{\wrapParens{\YM - \LM\XM}}}.$ %UNFOLD \subsection{Factorization in Vector Form}%FOLDUP The analysis is simplified if we express the problem as one of finding a vector unknown, so we will `vectorize' the problem. For matrix \Mtx{M} let \fvec{\Mtx{M}} be the vector which consists of the columns of \Mtx{M} stacked on top of each other; let \AkronB{\Mtx{A}}{\Mtx{B}} denote the Kronecker product of $\Mtx{A}$ and $\Mtx{B}$. \cite{schacke2013kronecker} See \secref{matrix_identities} in the appendix for some helpful identities involving the Kronecker product, matrix trace, and vectorization. We write \objf{\XM} as a quadratic function of the vector \fvec{\XM} \begin{equation} \begin{split} \objf{\XM} &=\half \normsq[\AkronB{\WM{0,C}}{\WM{0,R}}]{\fvec{\YM} - \wrapParens{\BtkronA{\LM}{\RM}}\fvec{\XM}}\\ &+ \half\sum_j\normsq[\AkronB{\WM{2,C,j}}{\WM{2,R,j}}]{\fvec{\XM}} + \trAB{\fvec{\WM{1}}}{\fvec{\XM}}\\ &=\half \qform{\GM}{\fvec{\XM}} + \trAB{\dv}{\fvec{\XM}} + c, \end{split} \end{equation} where \begin{equation} \begin{split} \GM &= \qform{\wrapParens{\AkronB{\WM{0,C}}{\WM{0,R}}}}{\wrapParens{\BtkronA{\LM}{\RM}}} + \sum_j\AkronB{\WM{2,C,j}}{\WM{2,R,j}},\\ &= \wrapParens{\qoform{\WM{0,C}}{\RM}}\kron\wrapParens{\qform{\WM{0,R}}{\LM}} + \sum_j\AkronB{\WM{2,C,j}}{\WM{2,R,j}}.\\ \dv &= {\fvec{\WM{1}}} - \trAB{\wrapParens{\BtkronA{\LM}{\RM}}}{% \wrapParens{\AkronB{\WM{0,C}}{\WM{0,R}}} \fvec{\YM}},\\ %&= {\fvec{\WM{1}}} - %{\wrapParens{\AkronB{\RM}{\tr{\LM}\WM{0}}} %\fvec{\YM}},\\ &= {\fvec{\WM{1}}} - \fvec{\tr{\LM}\WM{0,R}\YM\WM{0,C}\tr{\RM}}. \end{split} \end{equation} We write $\normsq[\Mtx{A}]{\vect{x}}$ to mean $\qform{\Mtx{A}}{\vect{x}}$. Note that $\GM \ge 0$, but $\dv$ will likely have negative elements. In fact, to use Lee and Seung's iterative algorithm, the vector \dv must have non-positive elements. This is equivalent to the restriction $\tr{\LM}{\WM{0,R}}\YM\WM{0,C}\RM - \WM{1} \ge 0$, taken elementwise. This imposes a restriction on $\WM{1}$ which is hard to verify for the problem of non-negative matrix factorization. Note that by definition \GM can be positive definite, depending on the \RM, \LM and the $\WM{2,\cdot}$, but is only positive \emph{semi} definite in the general case. We can thus consider this problem as optimization over a vector unknown. In an abuse of notation, we reuse the objective function \objf{\cdot}, writing \begin{equation} \objf{\xmp} = \half \qform{\GM}{\xmp} + \trAB{\dv}{\xmp}, \end{equation} for symmetric, nonnegative positive semidefinite \GM. So now we consider the positivity-constrained quadratic optimization problem \begin{equation} \min_{\xmp \ge 0} \objf{\xmp}.\label{eqn:cons_quad_opt_problem} \end{equation} Note that the unconstrained solution to this problem is $-\minv{\GM}{\dv}$. When \GM is positive definite, because the constraint space is convex, this solution will be unique. \cite{nocedal2006numerical} In general, however, we will not have unique solutions. When the \WM{1} term is all zero, this a weighted least squares problem, possibly with Tikhonov regularization. %If we can assume \dv has non-positive %elements, then the unconstrained solution is feasible. % talk about whether this has a global solution? %As the objective is convex and the %\cite{nocedal2006numerical} The gradient of the objective \objf{\xmp} is is $\gradof{\objf{\xmp}} = \GM\xmp + \dv$. When considering the matrix form of the problem, this has the value $$ \fvec{\wrapBracks{\qform{\WM{0,R}}{\LM}\XM\qoform{\WM{0,C}}{\RM} + \sum_j\WM{2,R,j}\XM\WM{2,C,j} + \WM{1} - \tr{\LM}\WM{0,R}\YM\WM{0,C}\tr{\RM}}}. $$ We consider an iterative solution to this problem. We first select some \xmp[0]. Then given current iterate \xmp[k], we seek to find the next iterate \xmp[k+1]. Define $$ \objfp[k]{\xmp} = \half\qform{\GMp[k]}{\xmp} + \trAB{\dvp[k]}{\xmp} + c_k, $$ where we will set \GMp[k], \dvp[k] and $c_k$ such that \objfp[k]{\xmp} is tangent to \objf{\xmp} at \xmp[k], and such that $\objfp[k]{\xmp} \ge \objf{\xmp}$ for all \xmp. We will take \xmp[k+1] as some point which improves \objfp[k]{\xmp}: its minimizer if it is non-negative, or another point if not. If \xmp[k+1] improves \objfp[k]{\xmp}, then it also improves \objf{\xmp}, as \begin{equation*} \objf{\xmp[k+1]} \le \objfp[k]{\xmp[k+1]} \le \objfp[k]{\xmp[k]} = \objf{\xmp[k]}. \end{equation*} The tangency condition fixes the value of $c_k$, and also gives the identity $$ \dvp[k] = \dvp + \GM\xmp[k] - \GMp[k]\xmp[k]. $$ To ensure that $\objfp[k]{\xmp} \ge \objf{\xmp}$ it is sufficient to select select \GMp[k] such that $\GMp[k] - \GM$ is positive semidefinite. The following lemma gives us a way of selecting diagonal matrices \GMp[k] that satisfy this condition. First a bit of notation, for vector $\vect{v}$, $\Mdiag{\vect{v}}$ is the diagonal matrix with $\vect{v}$ for diagonal. For matrix $\Mtx{A}$, $\vdiag{\Mtx{A}}$ is the vector of the diagonal of \Mtx{A}. Thus we have $\vdiag{\Mdiag{\vect{v}}} = \vect{v}$. \begin{lemma}%FOLDUP \label{lemma:diag_dominance} Let \GM be a symmetric matrix with non-negative elements, and full rank, and let \bv be a vector with strictly positive elements. Then $$ \Mdiag{\GM\bv}\minv{\Mdiag{\bv}} \succeq \GM. $$ (Here $\Mtx{A}\succeq\Mtx{B}$ means that $\Mtx{A} - \Mtx{B}$ is positive semidefinite.) \end{lemma}%UNFOLD \begin{proof}%FOLDUP First note that if $\Mtx{A}$ is symmetric, and has non-negative elements, then $\Mdiag{\Mtx{A}\vone} \succeq \Mtx{A}$ because the matrix $\Mdiag{\Mtx{A}\vone} - \Mtx{A}$ is symmetric, with non-negative diagonal, and is diagonally dominant, thus it is positive semidefinite. Apply that fact with $\Mtx{A}=\Mdiag{\bv}\GM\Mdiag{\bv}$. Then \begin{align*} \Mdiag{\Mdiag{\bv}\GM\Mdiag{\bv}\vone} &\succeq \Mdiag{\bv}\GM\Mdiag{\bv},\\ \Mdiag{\bv}\Mdiag{\GM\bv} &\succeq \Mdiag{\bv}\GM\Mdiag{\bv},\\ \Mdiag{\GM\bv} \minv{\Mdiag{\bv}}&\succeq \GM, \end{align*} as needed. Note that the proof relies on strict positivity of the elements of \bv. By this we can claim a bijection between $\reals{n}$ and $\Mdiag{\bv}\reals{n}$, which allows us to conclude the last line above. \end{proof}%UNFOLD %\begin{theorem}[\citeauthor{LeeSeung}]%FOLDUP %Let \GM be a symmetric matrix with non-negative elements, and %full rank. Assume \xmp[k] has non-negative elements, and %$\GM\xmp[k]$ has strictly positive elements. %Then %$$ %\objf{- \xmp[k] \hadt \dvp \hadd \wrapParens{\GM\xmp[k]}} \le \objf{\xmp[k]}. %$$ %\end{theorem}%UNFOLD %This suggests the update %\begin{equation} %\xmp[k+1] \leftarrow - \xmp[k] \hadt \dvp \hadd \wrapParens{\GM\xmp[k]}, %\end{equation} %which preserves non-negativity of iterates as long as \dvp has non-positive %elements. %\begin{proof}%FOLDUP %First, consider the case where \xmp[k] has strictly positive elements. %We can then use \xmp[k] as \bv in \lemmaref{diag_dominance}. %Letting %%Following Lee and Seung, we can take \xmp[k] as \bv in the %%lemma, assuming %%it has strictly positive elements, and let %$\GMp[k] = \Mdiag{\GM\xmp[k]}\minv{\Mdiag{\xmp[k]}},$ %the minimum of \objfp[k]{\xmp} occurs at %$-\minv{\GMp[k]}\dvp[k]$. %Then %\begin{equation} %\begin{split} %-\minv{\GMp[k]}\dvp[k] &=-\minv{\GMp[k]}\wrapParens{\dvp + \GM\xmp[k] - \GMp[k]\xmp[k]},\\ %&=\xmp[k] - \minv{\GMp[k]}\wrapParens{\dvp + \GM\xmp[k]},\\ %&=\xmp[k] -\Mdiag{\xmp[k]}\minv{\Mdiag{\GM\xmp[k]}}\wrapParens{\dvp + \GM\xmp[k]},\\ %&=\xmp[k] - \Mdiag{\xmp[k]}\minv{\Mdiag{\GM\xmp[k]}}\dvp - \xmp[k],\\ %&=- \xmp[k] \hadt \dvp \hadd \wrapParens{\GM\xmp[k]}. %\end{split} %\end{equation} %%As \dvp has strictly negative elements, the next iterate, \xmp[k+1] is %%strictly positive, as needed. %Because \objfp[k]{\xmp} dominates \objf{\xmp}, we have %\begin{equation*} %\objf{- \xmp[k] \hadt \dvp \hadd \wrapParens{\GM\xmp[k]}} \le %\objf{\xmp[k]}. %\end{equation*} %To prove the theorem for the general case where \xmp[k] is simply non-negative, %consider a sequence of strictly positive vectors which converge to \xmp[k], and %apply the argument above, then appeal to continuity of $\objf{\cdot}$. %\end{proof}%UNFOLD \begin{lemma}%FOLDUP Let \GM be a symmetric matrix with non-negative elements, and full rank. Let \bv be some vector with non-negative elements such that $\GM\bv$ has strictly positive elements. Letting $$ \xmp[k+1] \leftarrow \xmp[k] -\Mdiag{\bv}\minv{\Mdiag{\GM\bv}}\wrapParens{\dvp + \GM\xmp[k]}, $$ then $\objf{\xmp[k+1]} \le \objf{\xmp[k]}.$ \label{lemma:pre_ls_update} \end{lemma}%UNFOLD \begin{proof}%FOLDUP First, consider the case where \bv has strictly positive elements. %We can then use \xmp[k] as \bv in \lemmaref{diag_dominance}. Letting $\GMp[k] = \Mdiag{\GM\bv}\minv{\Mdiag{\bv}},$ the minimum of \objfp[k]{\xmp} occurs at $-\minv{\GMp[k]}\dvp[k]$, which has value \begin{equation} \begin{split} -\minv{\GMp[k]}\dvp[k] &=-\minv{\GMp[k]}\wrapParens{\dvp + \GM\xmp[k] - \GMp[k]\xmp[k]},\\ &=\xmp[k] - \minv{\GMp[k]}\wrapParens{\dvp + \GM\xmp[k]},\\ &=\xmp[k] -\Mdiag{\bv}\minv{\Mdiag{\GM\bv}}\wrapParens{\dvp + \GM\xmp[k]} = \xmp[k+1]. \end{split} \end{equation} By \lemmaref{diag_dominance}, %As \dvp has strictly negative elements, the next iterate, \xmp[k+1] is %strictly positive, as needed. \objfp[k]{\xmp} dominates \objf{\xmp}, and so $\objf{\xmp[k+1]} \le \objf{\xmp[k]}$. To prove the theorem for the general case where \bv is simply non-negative, consider a sequence of strictly positive vectors which converge to \bv, and apply the argument above, then appeal to continuity of $\objf{\cdot}$. \end{proof}%UNFOLD \begin{theorem}[\citeauthor{LeeSeung}] \label{theorem:lee_seung} Let \GM be a symmetric matrix with non-negative elements, and full rank. Assume \xmp[k] has non-negative elements, and $\GM\xmp[k]$ has strictly positive elements. If \begin{equation} \xmp[k+1] \leftarrow - \xmp[k] \hadt \dvp \hadd \wrapParens{\GM\xmp[k]}, \end{equation} then $\objf{\xmp[k+1]} \le \objf{\xmp[k]}$. Moreover, the update preserves non-negativity of iterates as long as \dvp has non-positive elements. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Let $\bv=\xmp[k]$ in \lemmaref{pre_ls_update}. Then note that \begin{equation} \begin{split} \xmp[k+1] &=\xmp[k] -\Mdiag{\xmp[k]}\minv{\Mdiag{\GM\xmp[k]}}\wrapParens{\dvp + \GM\xmp[k]},\\ &= \xmp[k] -\Mdiag{\xmp[k]}\minv{\Mdiag{\GM\xmp[k]}}\dvp - \xmp[k],\\ &= -\Mdiag{\xmp[k]}\minv{\Mdiag{\GM\xmp[k]}}\dvp,\\ &=- \xmp[k] \hadt \dvp \hadd \wrapParens{\GM\xmp[k]}. \end{split} \end{equation} \end{proof} Returning to the original problem of minimizing the objective of \eqnref{nmf_new_objective}, the iterative update is \begin{multline} \XMp[k+1] \leftarrow - \XMp[k] \hadt \wrapParens{\WM{1} - \LM[\top]\WM{0,R}\YM\WM{0,C}\RM[\top]}\hadd \\ \wrapParens{\LM[\top]\WM{0,R}\LM\XMp[k]\RM\WM{0,C}\RM[\top] + \sum_j\WM{2,R,j}\XMp[k]\WM{2,C,j}}. \end{multline} \subsubsection{As a Matrix Factorization Algorithm} \label{subsec:as_matrix_factorization_algorithm} Now consider using this iterative update in the solution of \problemref{nmf_def_regularized}. One starts with initial guesses \LMp[0] and \RMp[0], which are strictly positive, then computes in turn \begin{align} %\hstep[k+1] &= - \xmp[k] \hadt \dvp \hadd \wrapParens{\GM\xmp[k]} - \xmp[k]. \LMp[1] & \leftarrow - \LMp[0] \hadt \wrapParens{\WM{1,L} - \WM{0,R}\YM\WM{0,C}\trRMp[0]}\hadd\\ &\phantom{\leftarrow}\quad\nonumber \wrapParens{\WM{0,R}\LMp[0]\RMp[0]\WM{0,C}\trRMp[0] + \sum_j\WM{2,R,L,j}\LMp[0]\WM{2,C,L,j}},\\ \RMp[1] & \leftarrow - \RMp[0] \hadt \wrapParens{\WM{1,R} - \trLMp[1]\WM{0,R}\YM\WM{0,C}}\hadd\\ &\phantom{\leftarrow}\quad\nonumber \wrapParens{\trLMp[1]\WM{0,R}\LMp[1]\RMp[0]\WM{0,C} + \sum_j\WM{2,R,R,j}\RMp[0]\WM{2,C,R,j}}. \end{align} Then one computes estimates of $\LMp[2], \RMp[2], \LMp[3], \RMp[3], \ldots$ The restriction on the $\WM{1}$ from the symmetric form of the problem translates into the requirements that \begin{align} {\WM{1,L} - \WM{0,R}\YM\WM{0,C}\trRMp[k]} & \le 0,\quad\mbox{and}\\ {\WM{1,R} - \trLMp[k]\WM{0,R}\YM\WM{0,C}} & \le 0, \end{align} elementwise. This restriction suffices to keep iterates strictly positive if the initial iterates are also strictly positive. Note, however, it is not clear how this can be guaranteed \emph{a priori}, as the iterates \RMp[k] and \LMp[k] may become small, and the \WM{1,\cdot} may be large. In fact, the \emph{entire point} of $\ell_1$ regularization is to encourage elements of \RMp[k] and \LMp[k] to take value zero. As a practical matter, then, code which allows arbitrary \WM{1,L}, \WM{1,R} should take the liberty of overriding the input values and always guaranteeing that the numerators are bounded elementwise by \begin{equation} \wrapParens{\WM{1,L} - \WM{0,R}\YM\WM{0,C}\trRMp[k]} \le - \epsilon \ge \wrapParens{\WM{1,R} - \trLMp[k]\WM{0,R}\YM\WM{0,C}} \end{equation} for some $\epsilon$. This is a compromise for simplicity, and thus this form of the algorithm does not always solve for the input problem. In the next section we describe a more principled approach that respects the user input. Again the restriction on the \WM{1} from the symmetric problem cannot be guaranteed \emph{a priori}; instead an implementation must keep the numerators bounded away from zero. We present the method in \algorithmref{lee_seung_improved}. We call it a ``multiplicative update'' since the update steps are elementwise multiply and divide operations on the initial estimates of \LM and \RM. For this reason, it has the same limitations as the \citeauthor{LeeSeung} algorithm, namely that once an element of \LM or \RM takes value zero, it can never take a non-zero value. This algorithm assumes the simplified form of \eqnsref{simple_weighting}; the code for the more general form of the problem is an obvious modification of the update steps. \begin{algorithm} \caption{Multiplicative Update Regularized Non-Negative Matrix Factorization.} \label{algorithm:lee_seung_improved} \begin{algorithmic} \Function{MURNMF}{$\YM$, $d$, $\WM{0,R}$, $\WM{0,C}$, $\lambda_{1,L}$, $\lambda_{1,R}$, $\lambda_{2,L}$, $\lambda_{2,R}$, $\gamma_{2,L}$, $\gamma_{2,R}$, $\epsilon > 0$} \State Initialize random matrices $\LMp[0] > 0$ and $\RMp[0] > 0$ with $d$ columns and rows, respectively. \State Let $k \gets 0$. \While {not converged} \State Compute numerator $\Mtx{H} \gets \wrapParens{\lambda_{1,L}\mone - \WM{0,R}\YM\WM{0,C}\trRMp[k]}$. \State Clip the numerator $\Mtx{H} \gets \Mtx{H} \wedge -\epsilon \mone$. \State Let $\FM \gets \wrapParens{\WM{0,R}\LMp[k]\RMp[k]\WM{0,C}\trRMp[k] + \lambda_{2,L}\LMp[k] + \gamma_{2,L}\LMp[k]\wrapParens{\offdiag}}$. \State Let $\LMp[k+1] \gets - \LMp[k] \hadt \Mtx{H}\hadd \FM$. \State Compute numerator $\Mtx{J} \gets \wrapParens{\lambda_{1,R}\mone - \trLMp[k+1]\WM{0,R}\YM\WM{0,C}}$. \State Clip the numerator $\Mtx{J} \gets \Mtx{J} \wedge -\epsilon \mone$. \State Let $\FM \gets \wrapParens{\trLMp[k+1]\WM{0,R}\LMp[k+1]\RMp[k]\WM{0,C} + \lambda_{2,R}\RMp[k] + \gamma_{2,R}\RMp[k]\wrapParens{\offdiag}}$. \State Let $\RMp[k+1] \gets - \RMp[k] \hadt \Mtx{J}\hadd \FM$. \State Increment $k \gets k+1$. \State Check convergence. \EndWhile \State \Return $\xmp[k]$ \EndFunction \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} %UNFOLD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Additive Steps and Convergence}%FOLDUP \theoremref{lee_seung} only tells us that the sequence \objf{\xmp[k]} is non-decreasing. It does \emph{not} guarantee convergence to a global, or even a local, minimum. %Moreover, the iterative step is undefined if $\GM\xmp[k]$ has zero elements. %Indeed, once \xmp[k] contains zero elements, In fact, if we only restrict \dv to be non-positive, it is easy to construct cases where \xmp[k] will not converge to the constrained optimum. For if an element of \dv is zero, then that same element of \xmp[k] will be zero for all $k > 0$. However, the optimum may occur for \xmp with a non-zero value for that element. (Certainly the \emph{unconstrained} solution $-\minv{\GM}{\dv}$ may have a non-zero value for that element.) %blah <- matrix(runif(500),ncol=5) %G <- t(blah) %*% blah %d <- - matrix(rnorm(5),ncol=1) %d[2] <- 0 %solve(G,-d) Here we analyze the \citeauthor{LeeSeung} update as a more traditional additive step, rather than a multiplicative step. Expressing the iteration as an additive step, we have \begin{equation} \xmp[k+1] = \xmp[k] + \hstep[k+1], \end{equation} where \begin{align} %\hstep[k+1] &= - \xmp[k] \hadt \dvp \hadd \wrapParens{\GM\xmp[k]} - \xmp[k]. \hstep[k+1] &= - \xmp[k] \hadt \wrapParens{\dv \hadd \wrapParens{\GM\xmp[k]} + \vone},\\ &= - \wrapParens{\GM\xmp[k] + \dv} \hadt \xmp[k] \hadd \wrapParens{\GM\xmp[k]},\nonumber\\ &= - \gradof{\objf{\xmp[k]}} \hadt \xmp[k] \hadd \wrapParens{\GM\xmp[k]}. \label{eqn:hstep_def} \end{align} This may not be the optimal length step in the direction of \hstep[k+1]. If we instead take \begin{equation} \xmp[k+1] = \xmp[k] + c \hstep[k+1], \end{equation} then $\objf{\xmp[k+1]}$ is a quadratic function of $c$ with optimum at \begin{equation} c^{*} = \frac{-\tr{\wrapParens{\GM\xmp[k] + \dv}}\hstep[k+1]}{\qform{\GM}{\hstep[k+1]}}. \label{eqn:cstar_def} \end{equation} However, if $c^{*} > 1$ elements of $\xmp[k] + c^{*} \hstep[k+1]$ could be negative. One would instead have to select a $c$ that results in a strictly non-negative $\xmp[k+1]$. However, if $c^{*} < 1$, then the original algorithm would have overshot the optimum. \begin{lemma} Let \GM be a symmetric matrix with non-negative elements, and full rank. Let $c^{*}$ be as defined in \eqnref{cstar_def}. Let $c'$ be the largest number in $\ccinterval{0}{c^{*}}$ such that all elements of $\xmp[k+1] \leftarrow \xmp[k] + c' \hstep[k+1]$ are non-negative, where $\hstep[k+1]$ is as in \eqnref{hstep_def}. %\begin{equation*} %\hstep[k+1] = - \xmp[k] \hadt \wrapParens{\dvp \hadd \wrapParens{\GM\xmp[k]} + \vone}. %\end{equation*} Then $\objf{\xmp[k+1]} \le \objf{\xmp[k]}$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Letting $\funcit{f}{c} = \objf{\xmp[k] + c \hstep[k+1]}$, $\funcit{f}{c}$ is quadratic in $c$ with positive second derivative. Then since $c'$ is between $0$ and $c^{*}$, we have $\funcit{f}{c'} \le \funcit{f}{0}$, which was to be proven. By construction the elements of $\xmp[k+1]$ are non-negative. \end{proof} We note that if $c^{*}\le 1$ then $c'=c^{*}$, since non-negativity is sustained for smaller step sizes. This iterative update was originally described by \citeauthor{merritt2005interior} for solution of ``Totally Nonnegative Least Squares'' problems. \cite{merritt2005interior} Their algorithm has guaranteed convergence for minimization of $\normsq{\Mtx{A}\xmp - \vect{b}}$, without the weighting or regularization terms, under certain conditions. They assume strict positivity of $\vect{b}$, which we cannot easily express in terms of \GM and \dv, and it is not obvious that their proof can be directly used to guarantee convergence. Without guarantees of convergence, we express their method in our nomenclature as \algorithmref{giqpm}, computing the step as $\hstep[k+1] \leftarrow - \gradof{\objf{\xmp[k]}} \hadt \xmp[k] \hadd \wrapParens{\GM\xmp[k]}$. The vague language around selecting the step length $\tau_k$ is due to \citeauthor{merritt2005interior}; presumably one can choose it randomly, or always take $\tau_k = \wrapParens{\tau + 1}/2$. %Translated into the language of our problem, their Theorem 1 is %\begin{theorem}[\citeauthor{merritt2005interior}] %Suppose ... %\end{theorem} %min x'A'Ax - 2b'Ax + b'b % and we want to %min 1/2 x'Gx + d'x % so % G = A'A, and % d' = -b'A % d = -A'b % or % b = - A'^{-1}d % %\begin{algorithm} %\caption{The Interior Point Gradient method of \citet{merritt2005interior}.} %\label{algorithm:ipg} %\begin{algorithmic} %\Function{IPG}{$\GM$, $\dv$, $\tau \in \oointerval{0}{1}$} %\State Initialize $\xmp[0] > 0$ and set $k\leftarrow 0$. %\While {not converged} %\State Compute the gradient at \xmp[k]: $\gradof{\objf{\xmp[k]}} = {\GM\xmp[k] + \dv}.$ %\State Compute the step $\hstep[k+1] \leftarrow - \gradof{\objf{\xmp[k]}} \hadt \xmp[k] \hadd \wrapParens{\GM\xmp[k]}$. %\State Compute maximum allowable step length:\State \quad $\hat{\alpha}_k = \min\wrapBraces{\alpha : \xmp[k] + \alpha \hstep[k+1] \ge 0}$. %\State Compute optimal step length:\State \quad $\alpha^{*}_k = - \gradof{\objf{\xmp[k]}}^{\top}\hstep[k+1] / \wrapParens{{\hstep[k+1]}^{\top}\GM\hstep[k+1]}$. %\State Choose $\tau_k \in \cointerval{\tau}{1}$ and let $\alpha_k$ be the minimum of $\tau_k\hat{\alpha}_k$ and $\alpha^{*}_k$. %\State Let $\xmp[k+1] \leftarrow \xmp[k] + \alpha_k \hstep[k+1]$. %\State Increment $k \leftarrow k+1$. %\State Check convergence. %\EndWhile %\State \Return $\xmp[k]$ %\EndFunction %\end{algorithmic} %\end{algorithm} %UNFOLD \subsection{Other Directions}%FOLDUP Imagine, instead, plugging in different values of \bv into the $\xmp[k+1]$ given by \lemmaref{pre_ls_update}. %the `optimal' choice of \bv to create diagonal \GMp[k], where optimality here means we choose to ignore the posistivity constraint. We claim that setting $\bv = \xmp[k] + \minv{\GM}\dv$ would yield the global unconstrained minimizer for \objf{\xmp}: \begin{equation} \begin{split} \xmp[k+1] &\leftarrow %-\minv{\GMp[k]}\dvp[k],\\% =-\minv{\GMp[k]}\wrapParens{\dv + \GM\xmp[k] - \GMp[k]\xmp[k]},\\ %&= %\xmp[k] - \minv{\GMp[k]}\wrapParens{\dv + \GM\xmp[k]},\\ %&= \xmp[k] - \Mdiag{\xmp[k] + \minv{\GM}{\dv}}\minv{\Mdiag{\GM\xmp[k] + \dv}}\wrapParens{\dv + \GM\xmp[k]},\\ &=\xmp[k] - \Mdiag{\xmp[k] + \minv{\GM}{\dv}}\vone,\\ &= -\minv{\GM}{\dv}. \end{split} \end{equation} This would seem to be a totally useless computation because we cannot efficiently compute -\minv{\GM}{\dv}, and it likely violates the positivity constraint. However, this suggests an alternative iterative step that might have accelerated convergence. For example, it might be the case that setting $\bv = \pospart{\wrapParens{\xmp[k] + \minv{\Mdiag{\vdiag{\GM}}}\dv}},$ might give quicker convergence to a solution, where $\pospart{x}$ is the non-negative part of $x$. We can also imagine an iterative update based on different descent directions altogether. For example steepest descent, where $\hstep[k+1] = - \gradof{\objf{\xmp[k]}}$. Both of these and the method above can be couched as the general iterative method of \algorithmref{giqpm}. We note, however, that steepest descent will fail to make progress in this formulation when an element of $\xmp[k]$ is zero and the corresponding element of the gradient is positive. In this case, the step length would be computed as zero and the algorithm would terminate early. The \citeauthor{LeeSeung} step naturally avoids this problem by scaling the step direction proportional element-wise to $\xmp[k]$. It is not clear, however, whether the denominator part of the \citeauthor{LeeSeung} step is necessary, and perhaps taking steps in the direction of $\hstep[k+1] = - \gradof{\objf{\xmp[k]}} \hadt \xmp[k]$ sufficiently good convergence. \begin{algorithm} \caption{The General Iterative Quadrative Programming Method} \label{algorithm:giqpm} \begin{algorithmic} \Function{GIQPM\_STEP}{$\xmp[k]$, $\GM$, $\dv$, $\tau \in \oointerval{0}{1}$} \State Compute the gradient at \xmp[k]: $\gradof{\objf{\xmp[k]}} \gets {\GM\xmp[k] + \dv}.$ \State Somehow choose step $\hstep[k+1]$ such that ${\hstep[k+1]}^{\top}\gradof{\objf{\xmp[k]}} < 0$. \State Compute maximum allowable step length:\State \quad $\hat{\alpha}_k \gets \min\wrapBraces{\alpha : \xmp[k] + \alpha \hstep[k+1] \ge 0}$. \State Compute optimal step length:\State \quad $\alpha^{*}_k \gets - \gradof{\objf{\xmp[k]}}^{\top}\hstep[k+1] / \wrapParens{{\hstep[k+1]}^{\top}\GM\hstep[k+1]}$. \State Choose $\tau_k \in \cointerval{\tau}{1}$ and let $\alpha_k$ be the minimum of $\tau_k\hat{\alpha}_k$ and $\alpha^{*}_k$. \State Let $\xmp[k+1] \leftarrow \xmp[k] + \alpha_k \hstep[k+1]$. \State \Return $\xmp[k+1]$ \EndFunction \Function{GIQPM}{$\GM$, $\dv$, $\tau \in \oointerval{0}{1}$} \State Initialize $\xmp[0] > 0$ and set $k\leftarrow 0$. \While {not converged} \State Let $\xmp[k+1] \leftarrow\textsc{giqpm\_step}\wrapParens{\xmp[k], \GM, \dv, \tau}$. \State Increment $k \leftarrow k+1$. \State Check convergence. \EndWhile \State \Return $\xmp[k]$ \EndFunction \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} Converting this to the NMF problem as formulated in \subsecref{as_matrix_factorization_algorithm} is a straightforward, though somewhat tedious, exercise. We give the algorithm in \algorithmref{lee_seung_improved_II} for the case where the weighting matrices satisfy the conditions of Equations \ref{eqn:simple_weighting}. We note that the restrictions on $\WM{1,R}$ and $\WM{1,L}$ that caused so much headache above are swept under the rug here with the check for maximum allowable step length, $\hat{\alpha}_k$, in \textsc{giqpm\_step}. It is not clear \emph{a priori} whether this algorithm converges quickly. It is very unlikely that \algorithmref{giqpm} is competitive for the constrained optimization problem on vectors given in \ref{eqn:cons_quad_opt_problem}. Converting to steepest descent is not recommended due to slow convergence, as noted above. %\algorithmref{lee_seung_improved_II} can easily be converted into the interior point steepest descent method by instead computing %$\Hstep[k+1] \gets - \gradof{\objf{\LMp[k]}}$ and $\Hstep[k+1] \gets - \gradof{\objf{\RMp[k]}}$ in the routine \textsc{rnmf2}. %Steepest descent algorithms can also exhibit slow convergence, however, and a more performant method would be preferable. \cite{nocedal2006numerical} %In our implementation, steepest descent is likely to lead to very short step lengths, $\hat{\alpha}_k$, %if an element of the current estimate is near zero and the descent direction is very negative. %This would lead to a collapse of the method at a point which might not even be a local constrained minimum. One could swap out the iterative updates of $\LMp[k]$ and $\RMp[k]$ in \algorithmref{lee_seung_improved_II} with something like a constrained conjugate gradient. \cite{li-conjugate-gradient,nocedal2006numerical} However, one should take several steps of conjugate gradient for each $k$ as the optimization problem changes as we update the $\LMp[k]$ and $\RMp[k]$. \begin{algorithm} \caption{Additive Update Regularized Non-Negative Matrix Factorization, II.} \label{algorithm:lee_seung_improved_II} \begin{algorithmic} \Function{GIQPM\_STEP}{$\XMp[k]$, $\gradof{\objf{\XMp[k]}}$, $\Hstep[k+1]$, $\KMp[k+1]$, $\tau_k \in \oointerval{0}{1}$} \State Compute maximum allowable step length:\State \quad $\hat{\alpha}_k \gets \min\wrapBraces{\alpha : \XMp[k] + \alpha \HMp[k+1] \ge 0}$. \State Compute optimal step length: \State \quad $\alpha^{*}_k \gets - \trace{\tr{\gradof{\objf{\XMp[k]}}} \HMp[k+1]} / \trace{\tr{\Hstep[k+1]}\KMp[k+1]}$. \State \quad (compute these traces without performing matrix multiplies.) \State Let $\alpha_k$ be the minimum of $\tau_k\hat{\alpha}_k$ and $\alpha^{*}_k$. \State Let $\XMp[k+1] \leftarrow \XMp[k] + \alpha_k \Hstep[k+1]$. \State \Return $\XMp[k+1]$ \EndFunction \Function{PICK\_DIRECTION}{$\XMp[k]$, $\gradof{\objf{\XMp[k]}}$, $\FM$} \State Initialize $\Hstep[k] \gets - \gradof{\objf{\XMp[k]}}\hadt\XMp[k]\hadd\FM$. \State Elements of $\Hstep[k]$ for which $\FM$ and $\XMp[k]$ are both zero set to $\fmax{-\gradof{\objf{\XMp[k]}},0}$. \State Elements of $\Hstep[k]$ for which $\FM$ is zero but $\XMp[k] > 0$ set to $-\gradof{\objf{\XMp[k]}}\hadt\XMp[k]$. \State \Return $\Hstep[k+1]$ \EndFunction \Function{AURNMF}{$\YM$, $d$, $\WM{0,R}$, $\WM{0,C}$, $\lambda_{1,L}$, $\lambda_{1,R}$, $\lambda_{2,L}$, $\lambda_{2,R}$, $\gamma_{2,L}$, $\gamma_{2,R}$, $\tau \in \oointerval{0}{1}$} \State Initialize random $\LMp[0] > 0$ with $d$ columns and $\RMp[0] > 0$ with $d$ rows. \State Let $k \leftarrow 0$. \While {not converged} \State Choose $\tau_k \in \cointerval{\tau}{1}$. \State $\DM \gets \wrapParens{\lambda_{1,L}\mone - \WM{0,R}\YM\WM{0,C}\trRMp[k]}$. % like d \State $\FM \gets {\WM{0,R}\LMp[k]\qoform{\WM{0,C}}{\RMp[k]} + \lambda_{2,L} \LMp[k] + \gamma_{2,L}\LMp[k]\wrapParens{\offdiag}}$ % like GX \State $\gradof{\objf{\LMp[k]}} \gets \FM + \DM$. % the gradient \State $\Hstep[k+1] \gets \textsc{pick\_direction}\wrapParens{\LMp[k], \gradof{\objf{\LMp[k]}}, \FM}.$ \State $\KMp[k+1] \gets \WM{0,R}\Hstep[k+1]\qoform{\WM{0,C}}{\RMp[k]} + \lambda_{2,L}\Hstep[k+1]$. % like G H \State Let $\LMp[k+1] \gets \textsc{giqpm\_step}\wrapParens{\LMp[k], \gradof{\objf{\LMp[k]}}, \Hstep[k+1], \KMp[k+1], \tau_k}$. \State $\DM \gets \wrapParens{\lambda_{1,R}\mone - \trLMp[k+1]\WM{0,R}\YM\WM{0,C}}$. % like d \State $\FM \gets {\qform{\WM{0,R}}{\LMp[k+1]}\RMp[k]\WM{0,C} + \lambda_{2,R} \RMp[k] + \gamma_{2,R}\RMp[k]\wrapParens{\offdiag}}$ % like GX \State $\gradof{\objf{\RMp[k]}} \gets \FM + \DM$. % the gradient \State $\Hstep[k+1] \gets \textsc{pick\_direction}\wrapParens{\RMp[k], \gradof{\objf{\RMp[k]}}, \FM}$. \State $\KMp[k+1] \gets {\qform{\WM{0,R}}{\LMp[k+1]}\Hstep[k+1]\WM{0,C} + \lambda_{2,R} \Hstep[k+1]}$ % like G H \State Let $\RMp[k+1] \gets \textsc{giqpm\_step}\wrapParens{\RMp[k], \gradof{\objf{\RMp[k]}}, \Hstep[k+1], \KMp[k+1], \tau_k}$. \State Increment $k \leftarrow k+1$. \State Check convergence. \EndWhile \State \Return $\xmp[k]$ \EndFunction \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} %\begin{algorithm} %\caption{The Conjugate Gradient Method of \citet{li-conjugate-gradient}.} %\label{algorithm:cgm} %\begin{algorithmic} %\Function{CGM}{$\GM$, $\dv$, $\rho \in \oointerval{0}{1}$, $\delta > 0$} %\State Initialize $\xmp[0] > 0$ and set $k\leftarrow 0$. %\State Initialize vector $\vect{g}_{-1}$ as all zeros. %\While {not converged} %\State Compute the gradient at \xmp[k]: $\vect{g}_{k} \leftarrow \gradof{\objf{\xmp[k]}} = {\GM\xmp[k] + \dv}.$ %\State Compute the negative part of the gradient $\vectUL{g}{-}{k}$. %\State Let $I$ be the vector indices of $\xmp[k]$ which are zero.\State Let $J$ be the complement of $I$. %\If {$k > 0$} %\State Let $\vect{y}_{k-1} \leftarrow \vect{g}_{k} - \vect{g}_{k-1}$. %\State Let $\beta^{\mathrm{PRP}}_{k} \leftarrow \vectUL{g}{\top}{k}\vectUL{y}{}{k-1} / \vectUL{g}{\top}{k-1}\vectUL{g}{}{k-1}$. %\State Let $\theta^{\mathrm{MPRP}}_{k} \leftarrow ? / \vectUL{g}{\top}{k-1}\vectUL{g}{}{k-1}$. %\State Let $\vectUL{d}{\mathrm{MPRP}}{k} \leftarrow - \vectUL{g}{}{k} + \beta^{\mathrm{PRP}}_k \vectUL{d}{}{k-1} - \theta^{\mathrm{MPRP}}_{k}\vectUL{y}{}{k-1}$. %\Else %\State Let $\vectUL{d}{\mathrm{MPRP}}{k} \leftarrow - \vectUL{g}{}{k}$. %\EndIf %\State Construct vector $\vectUL{d}{}{k}$ as follows: %\State \quad Elements of $\vectUL{d}{}{k}$ in $I$ take values from $-\vectUL{g}{-}{k}$. %\State \quad Elements of $\vectUL{d}{}{k}$ in $J$ take values from $\vectUL{d}{\mathrm{MPRP}}{k}$. %% fix this now. %\State Somehow choose step $\hstep[k+1]$ such that ${\hstep[k+1]}^{\top}\gradof{\objf{\xmp[k]}} < 0$. %\State Compute maximum allowable step length:\State \quad $\hat{\alpha}_k = \min\wrapBraces{\alpha : \xmp[k] + \alpha \hstep[k+1] \ge 0}$. %\State Compute optimal step length:\State \quad $\alpha^{*}_k = - \gradof{\objf{\xmp[k]}}^{\top}\hstep[k+1] / \wrapParens{{\hstep[k+1]}^{\top}\GM\hstep[k+1]}$. %\State Choose $\tau_k \in \cointerval{\tau}{1}$ and let $\alpha_k$ be the minimum of $\tau_k\hat{\alpha}_k$ and $\alpha^{*}_k$. %\State Let $\xmp[k+1] \leftarrow \xmp[k] + \alpha_k \hstep[k+1]$. %\State Increment $k \leftarrow k+1$. %\State Check convergence. %\EndWhile %\State \Return $\xmp[k]$ %\EndFunction %\end{algorithmic} %\end{algorithm} %UNFOLD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Simulations}%FOLDUP <<'mc_sims',eval=TRUE>>= # ok. library(dplyr) library(rnnmf) frobenius_err <- function(Y, L, R) { sqrt(sum(abs(Y - L %*% R)^2)) } runifmat <- function(nr,nc,...) { matrix(pmax(0,runif(nr*nc,...)),nrow=nr) } test_a_bunch <- function(Y_t, L_0, R_0, niter=1e4L) { iter_hist <- new.env() iter_hist[['history']] <- rep(NA_real_, niter) on_iteration_end <- function(iteration, Y, L, R, ...) { iter_hist[['history']][iteration] <<- frobenius_err(Y,L,R) } wuz <- aurnmf(Y_t, L_0, R_0, max_iterations=niter, on_iteration_end=on_iteration_end) df1 <- tibble(x=seq_along(iter_hist[['history']]),y=iter_hist[['history']]) %>% mutate(method='additive, optimal step') #iter_hist[['history']] <- rep(NA_real_, niter) #wuz <- aurnmf(Y_t, L_0, R_0, max_iterations=niter, check_optimal_step=FALSE, on_iteration_end=on_iteration_end) #df15 <- tibble(x=seq_along(iter_hist[['history']]),y=iter_hist[['history']]) %>% mutate(method='additive, naive step') #iter_hist[['history']] <- rep(NA_real_, niter) #wuz <- aurnmf(Y_t, L_0, R_0, max_iterations=niter, check_optimal_step=FALSE, tau=0.9, on_iteration_end=on_iteration_end) #df17 <- tibble(x=seq_along(iter_hist[['history']]),y=iter_hist[['history']]) %>% mutate(method='additive, naive step, tau=0.9') iter_hist[['history']] <- rep(NA_real_, niter) wuz <- murnmf(Y_t, L_0, R_0, max_iterations=niter, on_iteration_end=on_iteration_end) df2 <- tibble(x=seq_along(iter_hist[['history']]),y=iter_hist[['history']]) %>% mutate(method='multiplicative') #retv <- bind_rows(df1,df15,df17,df2) %>% retv <- bind_rows(df1,df2) %>% mutate(nr=nrow(Y_t), nc=ncol(Y_t), nd=ncol(L_0), max_iter=niter) return(retv) } nr <- 30 nc <- 8 ynd <- 2 set.seed(1234) L_t <- runifmat(nr,ynd) R_t <- runifmat(ynd,nc) Y_t <- L_t %*% R_t L_0 <- runifmat(nrow(Y_t),ynd+1) R_0 <- runifmat(ncol(L_0),ncol(Y_t)) test1 <- test_a_bunch(Y_t, L_0, R_0, niter=1e4L) %>% mutate(true_nd=ynd) nr <- 40 nc <- 10 ynd <- 3 set.seed(4579) L_t <- runifmat(nr,ynd,min=-1,max=1) R_t <- runifmat(ynd,nc,min=-1,max=1) Y_t <- L_t %*% R_t L_0 <- runifmat(nrow(Y_t),ynd+1,min=-0.5,max=1) R_0 <- runifmat(ncol(L_0),ncol(Y_t),min=-0.5,max=1) test2 <- test_a_bunch(Y_t, L_0, R_0, niter=1e4L) %>% mutate(true_nd=ynd) set.seed(6789) L_0 <- runifmat(nrow(Y_t),ynd+1,min=1e-4,max=1) R_0 <- runifmat(ncol(L_0),ncol(Y_t),min=1e-4,max=1) test2b <- test_a_bunch(Y_t, L_0, R_0, niter=1e4L) %>% mutate(true_nd=ynd) @ The multiplicative and additive algorithms are implemented in the R package \textsc{rnnmf} written by the author. \cite{rnnmfrnnmf-Manual} Here we briefly summarize the results of using the code on generated data. We first generate a $\YM$ the exactly equals $\LM\RM$ for some non-negative uniformly random $\LM$ and $\RM$. In the first simulations we take $\LM$ to be \bby{\Sexpr{test1$nr[1]}}{\Sexpr{test1$true_nd[1]}}, and $\RM$ to be \bby{\Sexpr{test1$true_nd[1]}}{\Sexpr{test1$nc[1]}}. We randomly generate starting iterates, \bby{\Sexpr{test1$nr[1]}}{\Sexpr{test1$true_nd[1]}} matrix \LMp[0] and \bby{\Sexpr{test1$true_nd[1]}}{\Sexpr{test1$nc[1]}} matrix \RMp[0]. We use the same starting point for both the additive and multiplicative algorithms. We compute the Frobenius norm of the error, which is to say $$\sqrt{\trace{\gram{\wrapParens{\YM - \LMp[k]\RMp[k]}}}},$$ for each iteration. In \figref{mc_sims_plot1} we plot the error versus step for the additive and multiplicative methods. The additive method uses the optimal step size in the chosen direction. While not shown here, choosing the naive step without optimizing converges slower in iterations but may ultimately be faster computationally. The additive method outperforms the multiplicative method in convergence per step. Convergence of both is ``lumpy'', with apparent phase changes where, we suspect, different directions become the dominant source of approximation error, and then are smoothed out. <<'mc_sims_plot1',dependson=c('mc_sims'),eval=TRUE,fig.cap=paste0("The Frobenius norm is plotted versus step for two methods for a small problem."),eval.after='fig.cap'>>= # ell2 <- '\u2113\u2082' ell2 <- 'Frobenius' test1 %>% ggplot(aes(x,y,color=method)) + geom_line() + scale_x_log10(labels=scales::comma) + scale_y_log10() + labs(x='Step',y='Frobenius Norm of Error', title='Frobenius Norm of Error vs Step', color='Method', caption=paste0('Factoring ',test1$nr[1],' x ',test1$nc[1],' matrix down to ',test1$nd[1],' dimensions. Y matrix has rank ',test1$true_nd[1],'.')) @ We then apply the code to another test case. Here we generate $\LM$ to be \bby{\Sexpr{test2$nr[1]}}{\Sexpr{test2$true_nd[1]}}, and $\RM$ to be \bby{\Sexpr{test2$true_nd[1]}}{\Sexpr{test2$nc[1]}}. Again we test both the additive and multiplicative algorithms, but test the effect of sparse starting iterates. We randomly generate starting iterates, \bby{\Sexpr{test2$nr[1]}}{\Sexpr{test2$nd[1]}} matrix \LMp[0] and \bby{\Sexpr{test2$nd[1]}}{\Sexpr{test2$nc[1]}} matrix \RMp[0]. First we do this where about $\frac{1}{3}$ of the elements of $\LMp[0]$ and $\RMp[0]$ are zero, testing both algorithms. We repeat the experiment for the same \YM, but generate strictly positive $\LMp[0]$ and $\RMp[0]$. In \figref{mc_sims_plot2} we plot the error versus step for both methods and both choices of starting iterates. Again we see somewhat slower convergence for the multiplicative method, at least measured in iterates. Moreover, the multiplicative method fails to converge for the sparse starting iterates. As we noted above, the multiplicative method cannot change an element from zero to non-negative, thus the lack of convergence for sparse initial estimates is not surprising. <<'mc_sims_plot2',dependson=c('mc_sims'),eval=TRUE,fig.cap=paste0("The Frobenius norm is plotted versus step for two methods for a small problem. Starting iterates are taken to be sparse or dense."),eval.after='fig.cap'>>= bind_rows(test2 %>% mutate(starting_iterate='sparse'), test2b %>% mutate(starting_iterate='dense')) %>% ggplot(aes(x,y,color=method)) + geom_line() + scale_x_log10(labels=scales::comma) + scale_y_log10() + facet_grid(.~starting_iterate,labeller=label_both) + labs(x='Step',y='Frobenius Norm of Error', title='Frobenius Norm of Error vs Step', color='Method', caption=paste0('Factoring ',test2$nr[1],' x ',test2$nc[1],' matrix down to ',test2$nd[1],' dimensions. Y matrix has rank ',test2$true_nd[1],'.')) @ %UNFOLD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % bibliography%FOLDUP %\bibliographystyle{jss} %\bibliographystyle{siam} %\bibliographystyle{ieeetr} \bibliographystyle{plainnat} %\bibliographystyle{acm} \bibliography{rnnmf} %\bibliography{AsymptoticMarkowitz} %UNFOLD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \appendix%FOLDUP \section{Matrix Identities} \label{sec:matrix_identities} The following identities are useful for switching between matrix and vectorized representations. \cite{schacke2013kronecker} \begin{align} \fvec{\Mtx{B}\Mtx{C}\Mtx{D}} &= \wrapParens{\AkronB{\tr{\Mtx{D}}}{\Mtx{B}}}\fvec{\Mtx{C}}.\\ \trace{\tr{\Mtx{A}}\Mtx{C}} &= \tr{\fvec{\Mtx{A}}}\fvec{\Mtx{C}}.\\ \trace{\tr{\Mtx{A}}\Mtx{B}\Mtx{C}\Mtx{D}} &= \tr{\fvec{\Mtx{A}}}\wrapParens{\AkronB{\tr{\Mtx{D}}}{\Mtx{B}}}\fvec{\Mtx{C}}.\\ \trace{\tr{\Mtx{A}}\Mtx{B}\Mtx{A}\Mtx{D}} &= \normsq[{\AkronB{\tr{\Mtx{D}}}{\Mtx{B}}}]{\fvec{\Mtx{A}}}.\\ \tr{\wrapParens{\AkronB{\Mtx{A}}{\Mtx{B}}}} &= \AkronB{\tr{\Mtx{A}}}{\tr{\Mtx{B}}}. \end{align} %UNFOLD \end{document} %for vim modeline: (do not edit) % vim:fdm=marker:fmr=FOLDUP,UNFOLD:cms=%%s:syn=rnoweb:ft=rnoweb:nu:fo=croql