params <- list(EVAL = TRUE) ## ----chunk_options, include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (requireNamespace("pkgdown", quietly = TRUE) && pkgdown::in_pkgdown()) { tiny_width = small_width = med_width = 6.75 tiny_height = small_height = med_height = 4.5 large_width = 8 large_height = 5.25 } else { tiny_width = 5.5 tiny_height = 3 + 2/3 small_width = med_width = 6.75 small_height = med_height = 4.5 large_width = 8 large_height = 5.25 } knitr::opts_chunk$set( fig.width = small_width, fig.height = small_height, eval = if (isTRUE(exists("params"))) params$EVAL else FALSE ) if (capabilities("cairo") &&[['sysname']] != "Darwin") { knitr::opts_chunk$set( dev.args = list(png = list(type = "cairo")) ) } dir.create("models", showWarnings = FALSE) ## ----setup, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(dplyr) library(purrr) library(tidyr) library(ggdist) library(tidybayes) library(ggplot2) library(cowplot) library(rstan) library(brms) library(gganimate) theme_set(theme_tidybayes() + panel_border()) ## ----eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE) # options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()) ## ----hidden_options, include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # While the previous code chunk is the actual recommended approach, # CRAN vignette building policy limits us to 2 cores, so we use at most # 2 to build this vignette (but show the previous chunk to # the reader as a best pratice example) rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE) options(mc.cores = 1) #min(2, parallel::detectCores())) options(width = 120) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(4118) n = 100 cens_df = tibble( y_star = rnorm(n, 0.5, 1), y_lower = floor(y_star), y_upper = ceiling(y_star), censoring = "interval" ) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- head(cens_df, 10) ## ----fig.width = large_height/2.8, fig.height = large_height---------------------------------------------------------- uncensored_plot = cens_df %>% ggplot(aes(y = "", x = y_star)) + stat_slab() + geom_jitter(aes(y = 0.75, color = ordered(y_lower)), position = position_jitter(height = 0.2), show.legend = FALSE) + ylab(NULL) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = -4:4, limits = c(-4, 4)) + background_grid("x") censored_plot = cens_df %>% ggplot(aes(y = "", x = (y_lower + y_upper)/2)) + geom_dotplot( aes(fill = ordered(y_lower)), method = "histodot", origin = -4, binwidth = 1, dotsize = 0.5, stackratio = .8, show.legend = FALSE, stackgroups = TRUE, binpositions = "all", color = NA ) + geom_segment( aes(x = y + 0.5, xend = y + 0.5, y = 1.75, yend = 1.5, color = ordered(y)), data = data.frame(y = unique(cens_df$y_lower)), show.legend = FALSE, arrow = arrow(type = "closed", length = unit(7, "points")), linewidth = 1 ) + ylab(NULL) + xlab("interval-censored y") + scale_x_continuous(breaks = -4:4, limits = c(-4, 4)) + background_grid("x") plot_grid(align = "v", ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(1, 2.5), uncensored_plot, censored_plot ) ## ----m_ideal_brm, cache = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_ideal = brm( y_star ~ 1, data = cens_df, family = student, file = "models/tidybayes-residuals_m_ideal.rds" # cache model (can be removed) ) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_ideal ## ----fig.width = tiny_height, fig.height = tiny_height---------------------------------------------------------------- cens_df %>% add_residual_draws(m_ideal) %>% ggplot(aes(x = .row, y = .residual)) + stat_pointinterval() ## ----fig.width = tiny_height, fig.height = tiny_height---------------------------------------------------------------- cens_df %>% add_residual_draws(m_ideal) %>% median_qi() %>% ggplot(aes(sample = .residual)) + geom_qq() + geom_qq_line() ## ----fig.width = tiny_height, fig.height = tiny_height---------------------------------------------------------------- cens_df %>% add_predicted_draws(m_ideal) %>% summarise( p_residual = mean(.prediction < y_star), z_residual = qnorm(p_residual), .groups = "drop_last" ) %>% ggplot(aes(sample = z_residual)) + geom_qq() + geom_abline() ## ----m_brm, cache = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- m = brm( y_lower | cens(censoring, y_upper) ~ 1, data = cens_df, file = "models/tidybayes-residuals_m.rds" # cache model (can be removed) ) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- m ## ----fig.width = tiny_height, fig.height = tiny_height---------------------------------------------------------------- cens_df %>% add_residual_draws(m) %>% ggplot(aes(x = .row, y = .residual)) + stat_pointinterval() ## ----fig.width = tiny_height, fig.height = tiny_height---------------------------------------------------------------- cens_df %>% add_residual_draws(m) %>% median_qi(.residual) %>% ggplot(aes(sample = .residual)) + geom_qq() + geom_qq_line() ## ----fig.width = tiny_height, fig.height = tiny_height---------------------------------------------------------------- cens_df %>% add_predicted_draws(m) %>% summarise( p_lower = mean(.prediction < y_lower), p_upper = mean(.prediction < y_upper), p_residual = runif(1, p_lower, p_upper), z_residual = qnorm(p_residual), .groups = "drop_last" ) %>% ggplot(aes(x = .row, y = z_residual)) + geom_point() ## ----fig.width = tiny_height, fig.height = tiny_height---------------------------------------------------------------- cens_df %>% add_predicted_draws(m) %>% summarise( p_lower = mean(.prediction < y_lower), p_upper = mean(.prediction < y_upper), p_residual = runif(1, p_lower, p_upper), z_residual = qnorm(p_residual), .groups = "drop_last" ) %>% ggplot(aes(sample = z_residual)) + geom_qq() + geom_abline() ## ----resid_hops_1, fig.width = tiny_height, fig.height = tiny_height, results='hide'---------------------------------- # NOTE: ordinarily I would use a large number of frames (k), # say 50 or 100, but I am keeping it small for the sake of # keeping these examples small k = 10 p = cens_df %>% add_predicted_draws(m) %>% summarise( p_lower = mean(.prediction < y_lower), p_upper = mean(.prediction < y_upper), p_residual = list(runif(k, p_lower, p_upper)), residual_draw = list(1:k), .groups = "drop_last" ) %>% unnest(c(p_residual, residual_draw)) %>% mutate(z_residual = qnorm(p_residual)) %>% ggplot(aes(sample = z_residual)) + geom_qq() + geom_abline() + transition_manual(residual_draw) animate(p, nframes = k, width = 384, height = 384, units = "px", res = 96, dev = "ragg_png") ## ----echo=FALSE, results='asis'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # animate() doesn't seem to put the images in the right place for pkgdown, so this is a manual workaround anim_save("tidybayes-residuals_resid_hops_1.gif") cat("![](tidybayes-residuals_resid_hops_1.gif)\n") ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(41181) n = 100 cens_df_t = tibble( y = rt(n, 3) + 0.5, y_lower = floor(y), y_upper = ceiling(y), censoring = "interval" ) ## ----fig.width = tiny_height, fig.height = tiny_width----------------------------------------------------------------- uncensored_plot = cens_df_t %>% ggplot(aes(y = "", x = y)) + stat_slab() + geom_jitter(aes(y = 0.75, color = ordered(y_lower)), position = position_jitter(height = 0.2), show.legend = FALSE) + ylab(NULL) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = -10:10, limits = c(-10, 10)) + background_grid("x") censored_plot = cens_df_t %>% ggplot(aes(y = "", x = (y_lower + y_upper)/2)) + geom_dotplot( aes(fill = ordered(y_lower)), method = "histodot", origin = -4, binwidth = 1, dotsize = 0.5, stackratio = .8, show.legend = FALSE, stackgroups = TRUE, binpositions = "all", color = NA ) + geom_segment( aes(x = y + 0.5, xend = y + 0.5, y = 1.75, yend = 1.5, color = ordered(y)), data = data.frame(y = unique(cens_df_t$y_lower)), show.legend = FALSE, arrow = arrow(type = "closed", length = unit(7, "points")), linewidth = 1 ) + ylab(NULL) + xlab("interval-censored y") + scale_x_continuous(breaks = -10:10, limits = c(-10, 10)) + background_grid("x") plot_grid(align = "v", ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(1, 2.25), uncensored_plot, censored_plot ) ## ----m_t1_brm, cache = TRUE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_t1 = brm( y_lower | cens(censoring, y_upper) ~ 1, data = cens_df_t, file = "models/tidybayes-residuals_m_t1" # cache model (can be removed) ) ## ----fig.width = tiny_height, fig.height = tiny_height---------------------------------------------------------------- cens_df_t %>% add_residual_draws(m_t1) %>% median_qi(.residual) %>% ggplot(aes(sample = .residual)) + geom_qq() + geom_qq_line() ## ----fig.width = tiny_height, fig.height = tiny_height---------------------------------------------------------------- cens_df_t %>% add_predicted_draws(m_t1) %>% summarise( p_lower = mean(.prediction < y_lower), p_upper = mean(.prediction < y_upper), p_residual = runif(1, p_lower, p_upper), z_residual = qnorm(p_residual), .groups = "drop_last" ) %>% ggplot(aes(sample = z_residual)) + geom_qq() + geom_abline() ## ----m_t2_brm, cache = TRUE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_t2 = brm( y_lower | cens(censoring, y_upper) ~ 1, data = cens_df_t, family = student, file = "models/tidybayes-residuals_m_t2.rds" # cache model (can be removed) ) ## ----fig.width = tiny_height, fig.height = tiny_height---------------------------------------------------------------- cens_df_t %>% add_residual_draws(m_t2) %>% median_qi(.residual) %>% ggplot(aes(sample = .residual)) + geom_qq() + geom_qq_line() ## ----fig.width = tiny_height, fig.height = tiny_height---------------------------------------------------------------- cens_df_t %>% add_predicted_draws(m_t2) %>% summarise( p_lower = mean(.prediction < y_lower), p_upper = mean(.prediction < y_upper), p_residual = runif(1, p_lower, p_upper), z_residual = qnorm(p_residual), .groups = "drop_last" ) %>% ggplot(aes(sample = z_residual)) + geom_qq() + geom_abline() ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cens_df_o = cens_df_t %>% mutate(y_factor = ordered(y_lower)) ## ----m_o_brm, cache = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_o = brm( y_factor ~ 1, data = cens_df_o, family = cumulative, prior = prior(normal(0, 10), class = Intercept), control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99), file = "models/tidybayes-residuals_m_o.rds" # cache model (can be removed) ) ## ----error = TRUE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cens_df_o %>% add_residual_draws(m_o) %>% median_qi(.residual) %>% ggplot(aes(sample = .residual)) + geom_qq() + geom_qq_line() ## ----fig.width = tiny_height, fig.height = tiny_height---------------------------------------------------------------- cens_df_o %>% add_predicted_draws(m_o) %>% mutate(.prediction = ordered(levels(y_factor)[.prediction], levels = levels(y_factor))) %>% summarise( p_lower = mean(.prediction < y_factor), p_upper = mean(.prediction <= y_factor), p_residual = runif(1, p_lower, p_upper), z_residual = qnorm(p_residual), .groups = "drop_last" ) %>% ggplot(aes(sample = z_residual)) + geom_qq() + geom_abline() ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(rlang) make_probability_residuals = function(data, prediction, y, y_upper = NA, n = 1) { .prediction = enquo(prediction) .y = enquo(y) .y_upper = enquo(y_upper) if (eval_tidy(expr(is.factor(!!.prediction) && !is.ordered(!!.prediction)), data)) { data = mutate(data, !!.prediction := ordered(!!.prediction, levels = levels(!!.prediction))) } if ( { #no y_upper provided, use y as y_upper data = summarise(data, .p_lower = mean(!!.prediction < !!.y), .p_upper = mean(!!.prediction <= !!.y), .groups = "drop_last" ) } else { #y_upper should be a vector, and if an entry in it is NA, use the entry from y data = summarise(data, .p_lower = mean(!!.prediction < !!.y), .p_upper = mean(!!.prediction <= ifelse(!!.y_upper), !!.y, !!.y_upper)), .groups = "drop_last" ) } data %>% mutate( .p_residual = map2(.p_lower, .p_upper, runif, n = !!n), .residual_draw = map(.p_residual, seq_along) ) %>% unnest(c(.p_residual, .residual_draw)) %>% mutate(.z_residual = qnorm(.p_residual)) } ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(51919) bin_df = tibble( y = runif(100) > 0.3 ) ## ----m_bin_brm, cache = TRUE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ m_bin = brm( y ~ 1, data = bin_df, family = bernoulli, file = "models/tidybayes-residuals_m_bin.rds" # cache model (can be removed) ) ## ----fig.width = tiny_height, fig.height = tiny_height---------------------------------------------------------------- bin_df %>% add_residual_draws(m_bin) %>% median_qi() %>% ggplot(aes(sample = .residual)) + geom_qq() + geom_qq_line() ## ----resid_hops_2, fig.width = tiny_height, fig.height = tiny_height, results = "hide"-------------------------------- # NOTE: ordinarily I would use a large number of frames (k), # say 50 or 100, but I am keeping it small for the sake of # keeping these examples small k = 10 p = bin_df %>% add_predicted_draws(m_bin) %>% make_probability_residuals(.prediction, y, n = k) %>% ggplot(aes(sample = .p_residual)) + geom_qq(distribution = qunif) + geom_abline() + transition_manual(.residual_draw) animate(p, nframes = k, width = 384, height = 384, units = "px", res = 96, dev = "ragg_png") ## ----echo=FALSE, results='asis'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # animate() doesn't seem to put the images in the right place for pkgdown, so this is a manual workaround anim_save("tidybayes-residuals_resid_hops_2.gif") cat("![](tidybayes-residuals_resid_hops_2.gif)\n")