library(ympes) plot_palette(c("#5FE756", "red", "black")) plot_palette(palette.colors(palette = "R4"), square = TRUE) dat <- data.frame( first = letters, second = factor(rev(LETTERS)), third = "Q" ) greprows(dat, "A|b") grepvrows(dat, "A|b") greprows(dat, "A|b", value = TRUE) greplrows(dat, "A|b", = TRUE) movements <- function(length) { x <- lapply( list(c("Bob", "Mary", "Rose"), c("Up", "Down", "Right", "Left"), 1:10), sample, size = length, replace = TRUE ), c(x, sep = "-")) } # just a small sample to begin with (dat <- movements(3)) pattern <- "([[:alpha:]]+)-([[:alpha:]]+)-([[:digit:]]+)" proto <- data.frame(Name = "", Direction = "", Value = 1L) strcapture(pattern, dat, proto = proto, perl = TRUE) # Now a larger number of strings dat <- movements(1e5) (t <- system.time(r <- strcapture(pattern, dat, proto = proto, perl = TRUE))) (t2 <- system.time(r2 <- fstrcapture(dat, pattern, proto = proto))) t[["elapsed"]] / t2[["elapsed"]] cc(dale, audrey, laura, hawk) cc("dale audrey laura hawk") new_name(mtcars) new_name(mtcars, 3L) # Use in a user facing function fun <- function(i, d, l, chr, b) { assert_scalar_int(i) TRUE } fun(i=1L) try(fun(i="cat")) # Use in an internal function internal_fun <- function(a) { assert_string( a, .arg = deparse(substitute(x)), .call =, .subclass = "example_error" ) TRUE } external_fun <- function(b) { internal_fun(a=b) } external_fun(b="cat") try(external_fun(b = letters)) tryCatch(external_fun(b = letters), error = class)