Aeronautical Development Agency, BangaloreHome pageContact Cdr. VS Renganathan : mailto:vsranga@ada.ernet.inOverview During mid 1999, it was necessary to setup a flight simulation facility for piloted evaluation of ski-jump launch and arrested recovery of a fighter aircraft from an aircraft carrier. The basic requirement of the simulation was to provide a realistic Image Generation System for ski-jump launch and recovery with 3 window Outside Window Imagery at minimum 1024x768 pixels resolution and 60 Hz refresh rate. It was decided to utilize this opportunity to investigate low cost hardware/software options to realize this objective. Simulation Setup Three PCs (dual PII, NT) with high-end graphics accelerator cards drive three SVGA video projectors onto three screens each with 45 horizontal FOV. The three visual workstations are driven by a flight model PC (dual PII, 10 Mbps Ethernet) using three non-blocking UDP sockets. Basic eye-point data (lat/lon/alt/h/p/r) along with other data for the HUD overlay are transmitted by the FMPC to each of the visual PCs at 80 Hz. The visual PCs running at 30-60 Hz (depending on scenery complexity) receive and use only the last packet. Pilot input is received from the cockpit through a Data Acquisition PC, by the FMPC, using a separate socket. Latency, although not measured until now, is well within 100 mSec. Pilots have so far not noticed any artifacts of transportation delay or distraction caused by lack of synchronization of the three windows, during preliminary evaluation. Latency is to be quantified soon. Image Generator FlightGear has been suitably adapted to meet the Image generation system requirements. Preliminary piloted evaluation was conducted recently with FlightGear version 0.6.1. The changes include:
Future work Beginning with the implementation of all the above features in the latest release of FlightGear, work on the following features are planned:
Snapshots ahuja2.jpg, ahuja6.jpg, beachview.jpg, landing1.jpg, landing2.jpg, landing5.jpg, view1.jpg |