Begin4 Title: Krusader Version: 1.10.0 Entered-date: 2000-07-17 Description: Krusader is a new "old-school" file manager and ftp client. It's twin-panel look follows in the footsteps of the great file managers of old: GNU's Midnight Commander and the DOS all time favorite: the Norton Commander. Krusader features: intuative GUI, complete drag n' drop support, transpernt handeling of archives and ftp volumes, bookmarks, command line with history and "run in terminal" option, built-in mount manager with auto-mount option and more Keywords: kde2 file-manager archive mount ftp Author: (shie erlich & rafi yanai) Maintained-by: Primary-site: 350kb krusader-0.69-1.i386.rpm 586kb krusader-0.69.tar.gz Alternate-site: Original-site: Platforms: kde 2.0 or higher Copying-policy: GPL End