LMTP(8)                                                   LMTP(8)

       lmtp - Postfix local delivery via LMTP

       lmtp [generic Postfix daemon options]

       The  LMTP  client processes message delivery requests from
       the queue manager. Each request specifies a queue file,  a
       sender address, a domain or host to deliver to, and recip-
       ient information.  This program expects to be run from the
       master(8) process manager.

       The  LMTP  client updates the queue file and marks recipi-
       ents as finished, or it informs  the  queue  manager  that
       delivery  should  be tried again at a later time. Delivery
       status reports are sent  to  the  bounce(8),  defer(8)  or
       trace(8) daemon as appropriate.

       The  LMTP  client connects to the destination specified in
       the message delivery  request.  The  destination,  usually
       specified in the Postfix transport(5) table, has the form:

              Connect to the local  UNIX-domain  server  that  is
              bound  to  the  specified  pathname. If the process
              runs chrooted, an absolute pathname is  interpreted
              relative to the changed root directory.

       inet:host, inet:host:port (symbolic host)

       inet:[addr], inet:[addr]:port (numeric host)
              Connect to the specified IPV4 TCP port on the spec-
              ified local or remote host. If no  port  is  speci-
              fied,  connect  to the port defined as lmtp in ser-
              vices(4).   If  no  such  service  is  found,   the
              lmtp_tcp_port   configuration   parameter  (default
              value of 24) will be used.

              The  LMTP  client  does  not   perform   MX   (mail
              exchanger) lookups since those are defined only for
              mail delivery via SMTP.

       If  neither  unix:  nor  inet:  are  specified,  inet:  is

       The LMTP client is moderately security-sensitive. It talks
       to LMTP servers and to DNS servers  on  the  network.  The
       LMTP client can be run chrooted at fixed low privilege.

       RFC 821 (SMTP protocol)
       RFC 1651 (SMTP service extensions)
       RFC 1652 (8bit-MIME transport)
       RFC 1870 (Message Size Declaration)
       RFC 2033 (LMTP protocol)
       RFC 2554 (AUTH command)
       RFC 2821 (SMTP protocol)
       RFC 2920 (SMTP Pipelining)

       Problems  and transactions are logged to syslogd(8).  Cor-
       rupted message files are marked so that the queue  manager
       can move them to the corrupt queue for further inspection.

       Depending on the setting of the notify_classes  parameter,
       the  postmaster is notified of bounces, protocol problems,
       and of other trouble.

       Changes to main.cf are picked up automatically, as lmtp(8)
       processes  run  for only a limited amount of time. Use the
       command "postfix reload" to speed up a change.

       The text below provides  only  a  parameter  summary.  See
       postconf(5) for more details including examples.

       lmtp_skip_quit_response (no)
              Wait for the response to the LMTP QUIT command.

       debug_peer_level (2)
              The  increment  in  verbose  logging  level  when a
              remote client or server matches a  pattern  in  the
              debug_peer_list parameter.

       debug_peer_list (empty)
              Optional  list  of remote client or server hostname
              or network address patterns that cause the  verbose
              logging  level  to increase by the amount specified
              in $debug_peer_level.

       error_notice_recipient (postmaster)
              The recipient  of  postmaster  notifications  about
              mail  delivery  problems that are caused by policy,
              resource, software or protocol errors.

       notify_classes (resource, software)
              The list of error classes that are reported to  the

       Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later:

       lmtp_send_xforward_command (no)
              Send  an  XFORWARD  command to the LMTP server when
              the LMTP LHLO server  response  announces  XFORWARD

       lmtp_sasl_auth_enable (no)
              Enable  SASL  authentication  in  the  Postfix LMTP

       lmtp_sasl_password_maps (empty)
              Optional LMTP client lookup tables with  one  user-
              name:password entry per host or domain.

       lmtp_sasl_security_options (noplaintext, noanonymous)
              What  authentication  mechanisms  the  Postfix LMTP
              client is allowed to use.

       In the text below, transport is the name of the service as
       specified in the master.cf file.

       lmtp_cache_connection (yes)
              Keep Postfix LMTP client connections open for up to
              $max_idle seconds.

       transport_destination_concurrency_limit ($default_destina-
              Limit the number of parallel deliveries to the same
              destination via this mail delivery transport.

       transport_destination_recipient_limit   ($default_destina-
              Limit the number of recipients per message delivery
              via this mail delivery transport.

              This parameter  becomes  significant  if  the  LMTP
              client  is  used  for  local  delivery.   Some LMTP
              servers can optimize delivery of the  same  message
              to multiple recipients. The default limit for local
              mail delivery is 1.

              Setting  this  parameter  to  0  will  lead  to  an
              unbounded  number of recipients per delivery.  How-
              ever, this could be risky since  it  may  make  the
              machine  vulnerable  to running out of resources if
              messages are encountered with an inordinate  number
              of  recipients.   Exercise  care  when setting this

       lmtp_connect_timeout (0s)
              The LMTP client time limit  for  completing  a  TCP
              connection,  or  zero  (use  the  operating  system
              built-in time limit).

       lmtp_lhlo_timeout (300s)
              The LMTP client time limit for receiving  the  LMTP
              greeting banner.

       lmtp_xforward_timeout (300s)
              The LMTP client time limit for sending the XFORWARD
              command, and for receiving the server response.

       lmtp_mail_timeout (300s)
              The LMTP client time limit  for  sending  the  MAIL
              FROM   command,   and   for  receiving  the  server

       lmtp_rcpt_timeout (300s)
              The LMTP client time limit for sending the RCPT  TO
              command, and for receiving the server response.

       lmtp_data_init_timeout (120s)
              The  LMTP  client  time  limit for sending the LMTP
              DATA  command,  and  for   receiving   the   server

       lmtp_data_xfer_timeout (180s)
              The  LMTP  client  time  limit for sending the LMTP
              message content.

       lmtp_data_done_timeout (600s)
              The LMTP client time limit  for  sending  the  LMTP
              ".", and for receiving the server response.

       lmtp_rset_timeout (20s)
              The  LMTP  client  time  limit for sending the RSET
              command, and for receiving the server response.

       lmtp_quit_timeout (300s)
              The LMTP client time limit  for  sending  the  QUIT
              command, and for receiving the server response.

       config_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The  default  location  of  the Postfix main.cf and
              master.cf configuration files.

       daemon_timeout (18000s)
              How much time a Postfix daemon process may take  to
              handle  a  request  before  it  is  terminated by a
              built-in watchdog timer.

       disable_dns_lookups (no)
              Disable DNS lookups in the Postfix  SMTP  and  LMTP

       ipc_timeout (3600s)
              The time limit for sending or receiving information
              over an internal communication channel.

       lmtp_tcp_port (24)
              The default TCP port that the Postfix  LMTP  client
              connects to.

       max_idle (100s)
              The  maximum  amount  of  time that an idle Postfix
              daemon process waits for the next  service  request
              before exiting.

       max_use (100)
              The  maximal number of connection requests before a
              Postfix daemon process terminates.

       process_id (read-only)
              The process ID of a Postfix command or daemon  pro-

       process_name (read-only)
              The  process  name  of  a Postfix command or daemon

       queue_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The location of the Postfix top-level queue  direc-

       syslog_facility (mail)
              The syslog facility of Postfix logging.

       syslog_name (postfix)
              The  mail system name that is prepended to the pro-
              cess  name  in  syslog  records,  so  that  "smtpd"
              becomes, for example, "postfix/smtpd".

       bounce(8), delivery status reports
       qmgr(8), queue manager
       postconf(5), configuration parameters
       master(5), generic daemon options
       services(4), Internet services and aliases
       master(8), process manager
       syslogd(8), system logging

       LMTP_README, Postfix LMTP client howto
       VIRTUAL_README, virtual delivery agent howto

       The Secure Mailer license must be  distributed  with  this

       Wietse Venema
       IBM T.J. Watson Research
       P.O. Box 704
       Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA

       Alterations for LMTP by:
       Philip A. Prindeville
       Mirapoint, Inc.

       Additional work on LMTP by:
       Amos Gouaux
       University of Texas at Dallas
       P.O. Box 830688, MC34
       Richardson, TX 75083, USA
